AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

EncryptGui Tool Overview

The Encryption tool is used to manage encryption keys on selected columns in the AudienceView application. Each column, and its corresponding audit column, can be encrypted with a unique key. When column encryption is used, the application must be set up to require master keys for initialization.

Samples of Connections Strings

Non- encrypted database connection string:

  • “Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=;InitialCatalog=Tix;Data Source=(localhost)”
The non-encrypted string must be updated with the client’s configuration.

Encrypted database connection string:

  • "3JMkDbpwacvpiP3P6JhBATUa1B/dJphfoqrhYr+IZULd3+ERrV3wmla+8kjGCpqmCVbePCGSMKZ5D3ajrglRFxchwQwyprqtXo12kEo4i08a1tw+3fYrMGvsIweEvXQAXRkFf5HMIgiBpee2AmOojbX/DA89CwfwEnZF4YZlyCI="