64-Bit Infrastructure
AudienceView, uses a 64-bit infrastructure instead of the previous 32-bit.
Reasons for Changing to a 64-Bit Infrastructure
Previous versions of AudienceView were developed on a 32-bit architecture. Over the course of time, it was discovered that memory usage on the server-side was hitting its maximum allotment and more memory was required. For clients using the application via an internet browser, the browsers would still operate as expected, but the application was being limited in performance for some clients.
By shifting to a 64-bit architecture, there is much more memory available for application execution. Theoretically, the amount of available memory is unlimited.
Benefits of 64-Bit Architecture
The move to a 64-bit architecture makes working with large amounts of data much easier than in the previous 32-bit platform. It should be noted that the 32-bit version of the application will still run on 64-bit hardware, allowing for backwards compatibility if required.
The use of 64-bit processors is also faster than the processing speed of their 32-bit counterparts. As well, the AudienceView 5.0 need for multi-tasking and high-volume processing, as well as clustering for high-performance and high-stress computing is much more suited for a 64-bit architecture. This lends itself well to the traditional deployment for the AudienceView software at your client site.
- It should be noted that there is no Adobe plug-in for the 64-bit browser as of yet, but you are able to run the browser in 32-bit mode to use this plug-in. This will not impact the speed of the application on the server-side.
- Deployment requirements include Microsoft Windows 2008 R2. This upgrade to Windows 2008 also resolves several issues that have been experienced with Windows 2003. The fixes have been confirmed with Microsoft.