AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Configuring AudienceView to Use QAS Partner Platform

The QAS Gateway will automatically send a newly created or changed address to QAS for validation. The user need only continue onto the next step in the flow (e.g. clicking 'Continue' Online, or 'Create'/'Apply' in the Desktop for the validation to begin.

To set up AudienceView to use QAS Partner Platform, complete the following:
  1. Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Navigate to the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TScustomerBO node.
  3. Select QASPartner Gateway from the 'Address Gateway' dropdown.
  4. Select Yes from the 'enableIntegratedAVS' dropdown.
  5. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
  6. Click 'OK'.
  7. Navigate to the System::Configuration::Address Verification Gateways::QASPartner Gateway node.
  8. Complete the following fields (all of the account/configuration information will be provided by your customer success manager):
    1. Username: Enter the 'Username' as it was configured in the QAS Partner Platform
      This information will be provided by your customer success manager.
    2. Password: Enter the 'Password' as it was configured in the QAS Partner Platform
      This information will be provided by your customer success manager.
    3. supportedCountriesCSV: The supported country codes come preloaded. Coutries that you are not subscribed to should be removed from the list. If information has accidentally been altered or deleted, refer to QAS Partner Platform Address Formats.

    For information about all of the available fields, refer to QAS Partner Platform Registry Fields.

  9. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
  10. Click 'OK'.
  11. Open the Application Security application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  12. Select the Roles tab.
    The Roles|Search page appears.
  13. Search for and select the role that you want to work with. For more information, refer to Application Security Roles-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Roles|Basic page appears.
  14. Select the allowed address states (i.e. when QAS is enabled and a user's address is assessed, in what scenarios are you going to allow the user to proceed) from the 'Allowed Address States field.
    To select more than one allowed address state, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
    If you do not select Verified from the 'Allowed Address State' field, an error will occur when you try to save a account with a verified address.
    1. Not Verified: The user has not attempted to verify the address against QAS (i.e. the user did not click on the Lookup Address button after entering the address). If this state is selected here, the user is allowed to save addresses that have not been checked by QAS. This state is selected by default. If a verified address is updated, the address state returns to Not Verified.
      If Not Verified is selected, the other three options will not be applied. None of the addresses will be verified.
    2. Verified: The user attempted to verify the address against QAS, and the address was found to be valid. If this state is selected here, the user is allowed to save addresses that QAS deems to be valid.
    3. Not Applicable: The user attempted to verify the address against QAS, but it could not be verified (e.g. address is located in a country not covered by QAS). If this state is selected here, the user is allowed to save addresses that QAS cannot verify.
    4. Invalid: The user attempted to verify the address against QAS, but it was found to be invalid, and the user did not correct it. If this state is selected here, the user is allowed to save addresses that QAS deems to be invalid.
  15. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the role.
  16. Click 'OK'.

Once configured, QAS will be active for the role.