Before You Begin
Before you start creating a new series, check to be sure you have completed the following tasks:
Create the series venue.
For more information, refer to Venue Configuration - Venues.
Create the series producer, if you plan to associate one with the series.
For more information, refer to General Configuration - Producers.
Create the ticket template that will be used for the series, if you plan to use one. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time. If you assign this after you created performances, you can push the change down to the applicable performances.
For more information, refer to General Configuration - Tickets.
Create the payment methods that will be accepted for the series. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time. If you assign this after you created performances, you can push the change down to the applicable performances.
For more information, refer to General Configuration - Payment Methods.
Create the delivery methods that will be used for the series. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time. If you assign this after you have created performances, you can push the change down to the applicable performances.
For more information, refer to General Configuration - Delivery Methods.
Create roles that can access the series in the Application Security application.
For more information, refer to Application Security - Roles.
Create the performance types that will be used in the series.
For more information, refer to Configuring Performance Types.
Created venue templates for the series.
For more information, refer to Configuring Venue Templates.
Created all logos and additional information pages. If these have not been created, you can assign them at any time. If you assign this after you have created performances, you can push the change down to the applicable performances.
If the performances in the series will be sold using the online sales interface, you have the option of including one or two images next to the performance code on the Seat Selection page. You can also put a link to a pop-up description HTML page on the same page. If you’ll be using the same images/page for all performances in the series, you can enter them at the series level, in which case you’ll need to know the location of each of these files before creating the series.
Even if online sales will not be used, you can use the pop-up description HTML page to provide additional information on the Customer Services application Seats|Search page, in which case you need to know the location of the file.
Creating a Series
Once you have created your Venue and checked that all other elements described above have been completed, the next thing to do is create your series. Once you have created a series, you can create performances. Many of the series configurations will be used when you create performances.
To create a series, complete the following:
Open the Venue Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Select the Venue tab.
The Venue|Search page appears.
Search for and select the venue for the series. For more information, refer to the Venue Configuration Venue-Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Venue|Basic page appears.
Click 'New Series'.
The Series|Basic page appears. This page is divided into the following sections:
order methods
series data
series URLs
Complete the details section.
For more information, refer to Series Details Section.
Complete the order methods section.
For more information, refer to Series Order Methods Section.
Complete the series data section.
For more information, refer to Series Data Section.
Complete the series URLs section.
For more information, refer to Series URLs Section.
Select the Calendar tab.
The Series|Calendar page appears.
This page specifies which roles have access to the series, enables you to grant access to the series using promotional codes, and set the maximum tickets per order and per customer. For more information on completing this page, refer to Managing Series Calendar Entries.
Select the Types tab.
The Series|Types page appears.
This page defines the types of performances available for the series (e.g. evening, matinee). For more information on completing this page, refer to Configuring Performance Types.
Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the application created the series.
Click 'OK'.