You can delete a query created by you or a Public query created by another user if you have the appropriate permissions.
To delete a saved query, complete the following:
- Open the Business Intelligence and Reports application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Select the Business Intelligence tab.
The Business Intelligence|Search page appears.
- Search for and select the query that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Business Intelligence-Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Business Intelligence|Results page appears. The current result members are displayed in the result members section.
- Expand the save lists and extracts section.
- Click 'Delete'.
A window prompts you to confirm the deletion of the selected query.
- Click 'OK'.
A window confirms that the application deleted the query.
- Click 'OK'.
When you delete a query, any customer extracts and extract records remain in the system.