AudienceView Connect

Venue Configuration - Series|Batch Page

The following image illustrates the Venue Configuration application Series|Batch page:

The Venue Configuration application Series|Batch page contains the following properties:

Field Description
Start Date Select the start date for the performance period. Enter a date into the field or click  to select the date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
End Date Select the end date for the performance period. Enter a date into the field or click  to select the date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
Days Select the days that the performances will be applied against.
To select more than one day of the week, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Prefix Enter a prefix that will be added to the beginning of the performance code when the performances are generated. This prefix will be added before the selected 'Format'.
For example, use a short descriptor LOTR for the performance Lord Of The Rings.
Suffix Enter a suffix that will be added to the end of the performance code when the performances are generated.
For example, use a short descriptor EVE for Evening performances.
Format Select the format to be used in the performance code when the performances are generated.
For example, you can include the performance date and/or a generated number in the performance name. This code will be added after the specified 'Prefix'.

The calculated portion of the performance name will use the format assigned. Each format is described as follows:
  • XX: 2-digit numeric value starting from the number given in the 'Start Index' field. For example, 01-99.
  • XXX: 3-digit numeric value starting from the number given in the 'Start Index' field. For example, 001-999.
  • XXXX: 4-digit numeric value starting from the number given in the 'Start Index' field. For example, 0001-9999.
  • XXXXmmdd: 4-digit numeric value followed by month (Jan. to December) and day (01 to 31) starting from the number given in the 'Start Index' field. For example, 00010115-99990115.
  • XXXmmdd: 3-digit numeric value followed by month (Jan. to December) and day (01 to 31) starting from the number given in the 'Start Index' field. For example, 0010115-9990115.
  • XXmmdd: 2-digit numeric value followed by month (Jan. to December) and day (01 to 31) starting from the number given in the 'Start Index' field. For example, 010115-990115.
  • ddmmmyy: day/month/year format. For example, for January 15, 2011 and based on this format, it would appear as 15JAN11.
  • mmmddyy: month/day/year format. For example, for January 15, 2011 and based on this format, it would appear as JAN1511.
  • yymmdd: year/month/day format. For example, for January 15, 2011 and based on this format, it would appear as 110115.
  • yyyymmdd: day/month/year format. For example, for January 15, 2011 and based on this format, it would appear as 20110115.
Start Index When using a numeric value in the performance name (that is, selecting a numeric value from the 'Format' field), enter the numeric start point for the performance numbering.
For example, if you set the 'Format' to XX and set the 'Start Index' to 10, the first performance will be numbered 10, the second 11 and so on.
Performance Type Select the performance type from the dropdown.
Start Time Select the start time of the performances from the hour and minute dropdowns respectively.
The minutes used for the performance's start time must be one of the following 15 minute intervals: 00, 15, 30 or 45. You can change the minutes to be a different value for each individual performance.
Doors Open Select the hour and minute from the lists provided to define when the doors will open for the performances.
End Time Select the end time to be used for the performances from the field’s hour and minute dropdown menus respectively.
The minutes used for the performance's end time must be one of the following 15 minute intervals: 00, 15, 30 or 45. You can change the minutes to be a different value for each individual performance.
Price Chart Enter the price chart that you want to use for the performances or click  to search for the price chart.
For more information, refer to The Find Price Charts Dialog Box
The price chart start date must be before the start date of the performances. When assigning price charts, promotions can effect who has access to the pricing.
Price Chart Start Enter the start date and time when the price chart is to take effect or click  to select a date and time.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
The start date and time must be on or after the current date and time.
Optional Questions Click  to search for questions which ticket sellers can optionally ask.
For more information, refer to The Find Questions Dialog Box.
Description Enter a description for the performance. If you are using online sales, the application displays the description to users rather than the performance code.
There is a maximum of 256 characters allowed.
Short Description Enter a description for the performance.
There is a maximum of 256 characters allowed.
GL Code General ledger code - for accounting purposes. It is used in the General Ledger Report and through the Business Intelligence and Reports application's Business Intelligence pages.
For more information, refer to Creating a BI Query.
GL Description 1 A description of the general ledger code. It is used in the General Ledger Report and through the Business Intelligence and Reports application's Business Intelligence pages.
For more information, refer to Creating a BI Query.
GL Description 2 A second description of the general ledger code. It is used in the General Ledger Report and through the Business Intelligence and Reports application's Business Intelligence pages.
For more information, refer to Creating a BI Query.
Merchant Description Enter the text to appear on a customer's credit card statement when admissions to this performance are purchased. You can also display this on the ticket.
Only the MiraServ payment gateway supports this field.
You can set a default description in the Registry. If you configure different descriptions within the Registry, series and performance, the performance's description will be used first and then the Registry default. The series description is only used when creating new performances for the series.
If more than one merchant description is associated with an order, such as multiple performances with different descriptions, the application will display the default description from the Registry. If there is no default, then no description is displayed. If you expect to have many orders like this, you may want to use the same merchant description for all series with the same producer and for non-producer series, since they can be included in orders that contain any other performances.
Pop-up Description Enter an absolute HTML link to provide additional information about the series within the Customer Services application and online sales (e.g. A description link may have been configured at the series level, but entering a value in the field will override the series value.

Once you enter the link, you can click  to test the link in your browser.
Unless it is overridden at the performance level, the application displays a clickable icon on the Seats and Order tabs in the Customer Services application and displays the HTML page in a new window when users add admissions to an order. In online sales, this HTML page is embedded into various pages. Because of the limited space in online sales, you should test how the page appears.
When AudienceView displays the description in the Customer Services application and online, it displays the performance values first. If these are blank, then it displays the series values. If these are blank, nothing is displayed. If one or more of the values are the same for multiple performances within the series, fill them in at the series level. Where they differ for each performance, enter them at the performance level instead.
Logo [1-2] Enter the absolute URL to the image you want to display on the Seat Selection page online (e.g. http://localhost/Online/images/logos/knight_black.png). The image will display to the right of the performance code.
'Logo 2' will appear in AudienceView Online:
  • to the left of the performance code
  • in the calendar
  • in the shopping cart for recommendations if no image is configured in series level 'Logo 1'

    Acceptable image types include .GIF, .PNG, and .JPG and ideally should have a dimension of 31 x 31 pixels.
    Once you enter the link, you can click  to test the URL in your browser.
    When AudienceView displays the logo online, it displays the performance values first. If these are blank, then it displays the series values. If these are blank, nothing is displayed. If an image/link is the same for multiple performances within the series, enter a value at the series level. Where they differ for each performance, enter them at the performance level instead.
    Once you have created or saved changes to the series, after entering the path, clicking on the internet icon to the right of the field displays the image in a new window.
Required Questions Click  to search for questions which you require your ticket sellers to ask.
For more information, refer to The Find Questions Dialog Box.
Upsell Article Enter the name of the Upsell article that you want to display to customers when they select the performance, or click  to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box.
Add-on Article Enter the name of the Add-on article that you want to display to customers after the performance has been added to the shopping cart, or click  to search for and select it.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box.
Data 1-8 Enter additional data for the performance in these fields.
  • Disable Scalper Prevention: Disables the scalper prevention functionality for online sales.
  • Enable Online Flash Map: Enables the “select your own seat” function so that online users can select their own seats.
  • Enable Scanning: Allows tickets for the performance to be scanned using AudienceView Access Control.
  • Enable Reservations: Enables the 'RSVP' button on your Facebook event page for AVTiki.
  • Enable Add This: Enables the 'Add This' button to appear on the SeatSelect.asp and MapSelect.asp pages online.

    To select more than one option, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Comment Enter additional information for the performance that can be printed on an invoice (e.g. parking location).
Sales Type The sales type field is used as an additional filter for Online search results via the Content Management application Article|Criteria page. This field does not affect the way that performances within the series are sold.
Select how you want to be able to filter the performances within the series in search results:
  • Add-on: The performances within the series can be filtered as an additional item to the shopping cart (for add-on articles).
  • Primary: The performances within the series can be filtered normally.
  • Upsell: The performances within the series can be filtered as a recommended better option than the one currently selected in the shopping cart (for upsell articles).

    To select more than one sales type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Rank Enter a numeric value to define how to sort the series so that it displays in the order specified.
Alternate Overview Image The relative path and file name of the venue’s background image for online sales in place of the image configured for the venue. This image should be a .JPG file no larger than 50 KB.
The path is relative from the image file to the root directory of your AudienceView installation. It is recommended you place your background image in the UI/seatMapImages folder of your AudienceView installation root directory. If you place the image in this folder, you would enter the relative path ../../seatMapImages/<image_name>.

If you enable the “select your own seat” functionality, the Detailed Image and Overview Image should have the same proportions or the seats will not appear in the correct location in online sales.
Alternate Overview X-Size Enter the width of the bitmap background image, in pixels.
Only use this field if you have entered an Alternate Overview Image.
Alternate Overview Y-Size Enter the height of the bitmap background image, in pixels.
Only use this field if you have entered an Alternate Overview Image.
Pop-up Message A default message for all performances in the series that will appear to the user when a performance from the series is added to an order.  This is useful for ensuring that the customers are aware of performance start times, content of the performance, and more aspects of the show.
Ticket Template Select the ticket template to be used for all performances.
Keywords Enter any keywords that you want to have associated to this performance for search purposes.
To create additional fields, enter a value and then press CTRL+TAB or click .
Multi Data [1-2] The Multidata fields are used to support custom online searching and for use in Business Intelligence and Reports application. You can create additional entry fields by pressing CTRL+TAB or clicking  once you have made an entry in a field.
To change the name or other attributes of these data fields, go to the Registry application under Registry::Business Objects::TSseriesBO::Series and select the appropriate field you want to re-label.
Suppress Warning Messages Section By clicking the check box next to the appropriate warning message(s), you can suppress the following warning messages when creating performances for the series:
  • Create Limits with Cap less than Max/Order
  • Create Limits with Increment greater than Max/Order
  • Create Limits with Min/Order greater than Max/Order
  • Create Limits with Start Time Prior to Performance's Start Date
  • Create Performance with Start Time Prior to Current Date
  • Performance Off Calendar Date Before Start Time
  • Set Limits Start Date to Current Date