The following image illustrates the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page:

The Series|Basic Page
Series Details Section
The following image illustrates the details section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page:

The details section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page contains the following properties:
Field |
Description |
Venue |
A read-only field displaying the venue to which the series belongs. |
Name |
The name of the series. |
Group |
The name used to group this series with other like series, if applicable (e.g. if the same performance was being held at multiple venues). |
Description |
Brief description of the series. |
Merchant Description |
Enter the text to appear on a customer's credit card statement when admissions to this performance are purchased. You can also display this on the ticket.
Only the MiraServ, PayPal (as of AudienceView 6.8.2) and PayPal Native (as of AudienceView 6.8.2) payment gateways support this field.
You can set a default description in the Registry. If you configure different descriptions within the Registry, series and performance, the performance's description will be used first and then the Registry default. The series description is only used when creating new performances for the series.
If more than one merchant description is associated with an order, such as multiple performances with different descriptions, the application will display the default description from the Registry. If there is no default, then no description is displayed. If you expect to have many orders like this, you may want to use the same merchant description for all series with the same producer and for non-producer series, since they can be included in orders that contain any other performances. |
Producer |
Producer associated with this series.
Modifying this field once the series has been created does not push the change to the associated performances. |
For more information, refer to General Configuration - Producers.
Ticket Template |
Default ticket template used for performance admissions from this series. You can change the ticket template ID for individual performances later on.
A ticket template is not required for series or performances. A performance without a ticket template doesn’t print an admission ticket when a seat is sold. |
First Performance Date |
Date of first performance in the series. This date is optional, but if filled in they are validated against performance start dates.
Enter a date into the field or click to select the date or relative date. For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date. |
Last Performance Date |
Date of last performance in the series. This date is optional, but if filled in they are validated against performance start dates.
Enter a date into the field or click to select the date or relative date. For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date. |
Eligible Passes |
Specifies the passes that can be used for the series and its performances. Passes are associated to a customer’s account and can carry admissions. By assigning eligible passes, customers who purchase admissions to the performance can have them assigned to their pass for access to the performance. For more information on passes, refer to Configuring Passes.
To select more than one eligible pass, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections. |
Association |
Specifies the relationship between the series and any customers who purchase admissions to a performance within that series, so that customers can more accurately be targeted for marketing purposes. A series level 'Association' will override a venue level 'Association'.
For more information, refer to Customer Associations and Message Sources. |
Sales Type |
The sales type field is used as an additional filter for Online search results via the Content Management application Article|Criteria page. This field does not affect the way that performances within the series are sold.
Select how you want to be able to filter the performances within the series in search results:
Add-on: The performances within the series can be filtered as an additional item to the shopping cart (for add-on articles).
Primary: The performances within the series can be filtered normally.
Upsell: The performances within the series can be filtered as a recommended better option than the one currently selected in the shopping cart (for upsell articles).
To select more than one sales type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Series Order Methods Section
The following image illustrates the order methods section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page:

The order methods section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page contains the following properties:
Field |
Description |
Accepted Payment Method |
The payment method(s) that can be used to purchase the admissions to the performances within the series.
If an order contains multiple items with different payment methods, only the payment methods that all order items have in common will be available. For example, if an admission has three payment methods available to it (i.e. Cash, Visa and MasterCard) and a miscellaneous item has one payment method available to it (i.e. Visa), then only the common payment method(s) (i.e. Visa) will be available on the order.
To select more than one payment method, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections. |
Delivery Methods |
Enables you to select the delivery methods that can be used with the performances within the series.
By default, the delivery methods from the series are selected. If required, select different delivery methods for this performance.
To select more than one delivery method, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
When multiple performances, price types and items with different allowable delivery methods are added to the shopping cart, only the common delivery methods will be available.
In the event that the the items on the order do not share any common allowable delivery methods, the following message will be displayed, all items will be removed from the shopping cart and the customer will be returned to the default.asp: Due to the nature of your order no standard delivery method is available. Contact the box office to complete your order.
The above message can be configured in the Registry application Registry::EN::Application::Online::Orders node 'No Delivery Method' field. |
Delivery Gateway |
If you integrate AudienceView with a third party access control system (e.g. Fortress) so that tickets can be printed/scanned using the integrated system, select the appropriate option from the dropdown. |
Series Data Section
The following image illustrates the series data section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page:

The series data section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page contains the following properties:
Field |
Description |
Data [1-8] |
Enables you to store additional information specific to your organization.
Any data entered into these fields is searchable through Business Intelligence. To modify a data field label, navigate to the Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSseriesBO::Series node and select the appropriate field that you want to re-label. |
Comment 1 |
Enter additional information for the series that can be printed on an invoice (e.g. parking location). The information entered in this field is not automatically displayed on the invoice, and must be added to the template first. |
Keywords |
Keywords are used to help customers find the performances that they are looking for when they are searching via AudienceView Online and to recommend additional performances.
The series keywords are inherited by the applicable performances and do not return the series itself within search results.
Keywords can be entered into the field manually and then additional 'Keyword' fields can be added by pressing CTRL+TAB or clicking once an entry has been made.
If you opt to enter the keywords manually, ensure that the entries are spelt the same across all series.
The Series Keyword list can be populated and then bound to the 'Keyword' field. For more information, refer to General Configuration Lists and Binding a List to a Field.
If the Series Keyword list has been bound to the field, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections to select more than one keyword.
Series that do not have a rank are display alphabetically at the end of the list. |
Rank |
Enter a number to rank the series, indicating its display order on the site. Series are ranked in descending order (i.e. 4 will be ranked before 1). |
Multidata [1-2] |
Enables you to store additional information specific to your organization.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Any data entered into these fields is searchable through Business Intelligence. To modify a multidata field label, navigate to the Registry application Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSseriesBO::Series node and select the field that you want to re-label. |
Pop-up Message |
Used to add a message that will display in a pop-up in the Customer Services application and online once an admission is added to an order. Although the series message does not display on the performance, any message defined for the series will display. |
Options |
Disable Scalper Prevention: Disables the scalper prevention functionality for online sales.
Enable Online Flash Map: Enables the “select your own seat” function so that online users can select their own seats.
Enable Scanning: Allows tickets for the performance to be scanned using AudienceView Access Control.
Enable Reservations: Enables the 'RSVP' button on your Facebook event page for AVTiki.
Enable Add This: Enables the 'Add This' button to appear on the SeatSelect.asp and MapSelect.asp pages online.
To select more than one option, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Roles which suppress pop-up message |
Used to ensure that the pop-up message does not display for certain roles. To hide the message from a role, select the role in the list.
To select more than one option, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections. |
Series URLs Section
The following image illustrates the Series URLs section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page.

The Series URLs section of the Venue Configuration application Series|Basic page contains the following properties:
Field |
Description |
Additional Info |
Enter an absolute HTML link to provide additional information about the series within the Customer Services application and online sales (e.g. []).
Once you enter the link, you can click to test the link in your browser.
Unless it is overridden at the performance level, the application displays a clickable icon on the Seats and Order tabs in the Customer Services application and displays the HTML page in a new window when users add admissions to an order. In online sales, this HTML page is embedded into various pages. Because of the limited space in online sales, you should test how the page appears.
When AudienceView displays the description in the Customer Services application and online, it displays the performance values first. If these are blank, then it displays the series values. If these are blank, nothing is displayed. If one or more of the values are the same for multiple performances within the series, fill them in at the series level. Where they differ for each performance, enter them at the performance level instead.
To link to an article, click to search for and select the article. For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
As of AudienceView 6.8.7, you can enable site-wide social widgets (i.e. Facebook Like, Twitter Tweet and Google+ +1 buttons) to appear online. If the site-wide social widgets have been enabled, the widgets will appear for performances within the series that have an article/link configured in the 'Additional Info' field. |
Logo 1 |
Enter the absolute URL to the image that you want to display on the AudienceView Online seatSelect.asp and the shoppingCart.asp pages (for recommendations).
The image will display to the right of the performance code.
Acceptable image types include .JPG, .GIF and .PNG. For more information, refer to Event Image Guidelines.
Once you enter the URL, click to ensure that the URL is linking to the correct image.
The 'Logo 1' value set on the Venue Configuration application Performance|Basic page will override the value set on the Series|Basic page.
Logo 2 |
Similar to 'Logo 1', except this image will display to the left of the performance code on the AudienceView Online seatSelect.asp page.
Enter the absolute URL to the image.
Once you enter the link, click to ensure that the URL is linking to the correct image. |
Upsell Article |
Enter the name of the Upsell article that you want to display to AudienceView Online and Desktop users when they select a performance within the series, or click to search for and select it.
A hyperlink to the upsell article will be displayed on the shopping cart page, and the Customer Services application Order|Summary page.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. |
Add-on Article |
Enter the name of the Add-on article that you want to display to customers after a performance within the series has been added to the shopping cart, or click to search for and select it.
A hyperlink to the add-on article will be displayed on the shopping cart page, and the Customer Services application Order|Summary page.
For more information, refer to The Find Articles Dialog Box. |