To insert images that have been saved to your computer, complete the following:
- Place the cursor where you would like to insert the image.
- Click
The Image Properties light box appears.
- Click 'Browse Server' to search for the image that you want to insert. If the image has already been uploaded, go to Step 12.
The AudienceView Content Storage window appears.
- Click 'Upload'.
The Upload New File section expands.
- Click 'Browse'.
The Choose File to Upload window appears.
- Search for and select the image that you want to upload.
- Click 'Upload Selected File'.
The image appears, highlighted in blue, in the selected folder.
- Select the appropriate image from the image folders. Double-click on the image or select it and click 'Upload'.
The server will only upload .GIF, .JPG and .PNG image file formats. For more information, refer to Configuring the Uploading of Images and Files. |
The image URL appears in the 'URL' field and the image appears in the 'Preview' field.
- Ensure that the image URL is an absolute path containing http: or https: (depending on your organization).
If the image that you have inserted does not contain http: or https: the image will not render in the Message|Basic nor Article|Text page and you will receive Information Message 4304 when you try to create, save or send a message. |
- Enter the text that will appear when the image is moused over in the 'Alternative Text' field.
- To adjust the dimensions of the image:
- To ensure that the pixel dimension ratios of the image remain the same, click
to lock the ratios.
If you see
, the ratios are already locked.
- To adjust the pixel dimensions to your own ratio, click
to unlock the ratios
If you see
, the ratios are alreay unlocked.
- To reset the pixel dimension ratios to those of the original image, click
- Adjust the height and width pixel values in the 'Height' and 'Width' fields respectively.
The image size is updated in the 'Preview' field.
- To adjust the appearance and alignment of the image:
- Enter the size of the border you desire for the image in the 'Border' field. If you do not want a border around the image, leave the 'Border' field blank.
The image border displays in the 'Preview' window.
- Enter the desired horizontal spacing value in the 'HSpace' field.
The image is spaced horizontally in the 'Preview' field.
- Enter the desired vertical spacing value in the 'VSpace' field.
The image is spaced vertically in the 'Preview' field.
- Select the desired alignment for surrounding text from the 'Align' dropdown. The image will then respond with the surrounding text accordingly.
- Click 'OK'.
The image is inserted within the text.
- Alt image text is used to briefly describe what the image depicts if users cannot view an image (the image does not display or if the user utilizes a screen reader).
To add alt text to an image, complete the following:
- Click 'Source'.
The Source view of the text is displayed.
- Locate the code for the image that you want to add alt-text to by pressing CTRL+F and searching for the image's filename.
The image source code will look similar to <img alt="" src="/UI/ArticleMedia/Images/MY_INSERTED_IMAGE.jpg." />
- Enter the descriptive text that you want to be displayed within the quotes of the img alt="" tag (e.g. img alt="THE ALT TEXT FOR MY INSERTED IMAGE").
- Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the message/article.
- Click 'OK'.