AudienceView Connect

Creating a Renewal Seat Rule

To add a seat rule to a renewal, complete the following:

  1. Open the Utilities application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Renewals tab.
    The Renewals|Search page appears. 
  3. Search for and select the renewal that you want to work with. For more information, refer to Utilities Renewals|Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Renewals|Details page appears. 
  4. Select the Seating tab.
    The Renewals|Seating page appears.
  5. Click 'Add Rule'.
    A new seat rule appears.
  6. Enter the seat rule details into the applicable fields.
    For more information, refer to Utilities Renewals|Seating Page.
    • The option that you select from the 'Renewal Mapping' field will determine what fields are available and the type of renewal you have created.
      For more information, refer to Renewal Mapping.
    • The option that you select from the price type options section determines the renewal's pricing structure.
      For more information, refer to Price Type Options
  7. For every rule that you want to add, repeat the process from Step 5.
  8. Click 'Create' or 'Apply' to save your changes.
    A window confirms that the application updated the renewal.
  9. Click 'OK'.
Once a renewal has been created, you can click 'Execute' at any time to run the batch of renewals, even if there are unsaved changes. If you do not click 'Apply' after modifying a renewal, the changes will not be saved and you will not be able to search for the updated renewal later.

Renewal Mapping

When you select Then
Bundle to Bundle The 'Bundle From', 'Bundle To' and 'Performance To' fields appear:
  1. Click  next to the 'Bundle From' field and search for and select the bundle that you want to use from the previous subscription.
    For more information, refer to The Find Bundles Dialog Box.
  2. Click   next to the 'Bundle To' field and search for and select the bundle that you want to use in the renewal.
    For more information, refer to The Find Bundles Dialog Box.
    All performances related to the renewal bundle selected will display in the 'Performances To' field.
  3. Select the performances to include in the renewal from the 'Performance To' field.
    To select more than one performance, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Bundle to Performance The 'Bundle From' and 'Performance To' fields appear:
  1. Click   next to the 'Bundle From' field and search for and select the bundle that you want to use from the previous subscription.
    For more information, refer to The Find Bundles Dialog Box.
  2. Click   next to the 'Performance To' field and search for and select the performance(s) that you want to use in the renewal.
    For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
Performance to Bundle The 'Performance From', 'Bundle To' and 'Performance To' fields appear:
  1. Click   next to the 'Performance From' field and search for and select the performance that you want to use from the previous subscription.
    For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
  2. Click   next to the 'Bundle To' field and search for and select the bundle that you want to use in the renewal.
    For more information, refer to The Find Bundles Dialog Box.
    All performances related to the renewal bundle selected will display in the 'Performances To' field.
  3. Select the performances to include in the renewal from the 'Performance To' field.
    To select more than one performance, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
Performance to Performance The 'Performance From' and 'Performance To' fields appear:
  1. Click   next to the 'Performance From' field and search for and select the performance that you want to use from the previous subscription.
    For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
  2. Click   next to the 'Performance To' field and search for and select the performance(s) you want to use in the renewal.
    For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
Remove Bundle The 'Bundle From', 'Balancing Misc Item' and 'Refund Rate' fields appear:
  1. Click   next to the 'Bundle From' field and search for and select the bundle that you want to remove.
    For more information, refer to The Find Bundles Dialog Box.
  2. If you are entering a value in the 'Rate' field and you do not want to leave overpaid order, enter the name of the miscellaneous item that you want to use to hold the remainder of the orders balance in the 'Balancing Misc Item' field, or click  to search for and select the miscellaneous item. For more information, refer to The Find Miscellaneous Items Dialog Box.
    You should create a specific miscellaneous item as a refund holder. For more information, refer to Product Configuration Miscellaneous Items.
  3. Enter the amount that you want to refund to the customer. If you want to refund a percentage of the order value, ensure that you enter % after the value.

    If you want to refund the entire value of the bundle, do not enter anything in the 'Balancing Misc Item' or 'Rate' fields.
Remove Performance The 'Performance From', 'Balancing Misc Item' and 'Refund Rate' fields appear:
  1. Click   next to the 'Performance From' field and search for and select the performance that you want to remove.
    For more information, refer to The Find Performances Dialog Box.
  2. If you are entering a value in the 'Rate' field and you do not want to leave overpaid order, enter the name of the miscellaneous item that you want to use to hold the remainder of the orders balance in the 'Balancing Misc Item' field, or click  to search for and select the miscellaneous item. For more information, refer to The Find Miscellaneous Items Dialog Box.
    You should create a specific miscellaneous item as a refund holder. For more information, refer to Product Configuration Miscellaneous Items.
  3. Enter the amount that you want to refund to the customer. If you want to refund a percentage of the order value, ensure that you enter % after the value.

    If you want to refund the entire value of the performance, do not enter anything in the 'Balancing Misc Item' or 'Rate' fields.

Price Type Options

The price type option section consists of three options:

  • From Source: The price type used for the renewal (destination) offer will be the same as the price type for the original (source) order.
  • Mapping: Allows you to change price types from the original (source) order to different price types in the renewal (destination) offer.
  • Supplied: Allows you to offer a defined number of admissions per price type using the price types from the 'Performance To' or 'Bundle To' fields.

From Source

When From Source is selected, the renewal (destination) offer will use the same pricing as the original (source) order. This is the default setting.


When Mapping is selected, you can change specific price types from the original (source) order to specific price types associated to the performance(s) of the renewal (destination) offer (set in the 'Performance To' field).

To map price types, complete the following:

  1. Select the Mapping radio button.
    A new price mapping row appears.
  2. Select the original price type that you want to map from the 'Price Type Source' field.
    To select more than one price type, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
    The 'Price Type Source' field contains every price type that exists in AudienceView.
  3. Select the price type that you want to map the original price types to from the 'Price Type Destination' field.
    The 'Price Type Destination' field contains all of the price types associated to the performance(s) selected in the 'Performance To' field.
  4. For every price type that you want to map to a new destination, click 'Add Price Mapping' and repeat the process from Step 2.
  5. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the renewal.
  6. Click 'OK'.
If you are only mapping some of the source price types to new destinations, it is not necessary to map the unchanged price types.


When Supplied is selected, you can select the number of admissions per price type that will be included in the offer. The price types from the destination performance/bundle will be used.