AudienceView Connect

Customer Services Order-Order History-Charges Page

The Order History|Charges page enables you to view information that is specific to the order’s charges.

The following table describes the available search fields.

Field Description
Service Charge Name The name of the charge
Service Charge Type The type of service charge (e.g. Commission, Service Charge).
Order Charge Net The net value of the charge (excluding taxes).
Order Charge Type The type of order charge (e.g. Bundle, Delivery Method).
Update Date The date range between which a change was made to the order’s charges.
Update User Name The user associated with the delete, insert or update record in the order’s charge history.
Update Role The user’s role associated with the delete, insert or update record in the order’s charges history.
Order Charge Record State Enables you to search for a specific type of record in the order’s charge history:
  • Delete: The removal of an order charge
  • Insert: The addition of an order charge
  • Update: The update of an order charge
Page Size Enables you to specify the number of records to display per page returned in the results.

Once you perform a search, the results appear in the charges section.

The following table describes the fields on the charges page.

Field Description
Order Charge Record Number The charge record number. When a charge is added to an order, it is given a record number. The record number is unique for the charge.
Order Charge Print Count A count that increments each time the charge is printed. A charge can only be printed if it is associated with a print template.
AudienceView inserts an Update record whenever a charge is printed.
Order Charge Net The total charge amount excluding taxes.
Order Charge Type
The type of order charge
Service Charge Name
The name of the charge
Service Charge Type
The type of charge, be it Service Charge, Tax or Commission. Clicking on the link navigates you to the Order|Order History.
Update Date
The date and time that the delete, insert or update record in the order's charge history occurred.
Order Charge Record State
Indicates whether the action was a:
  • Delete: An order charge is removed
  • Insert: An order charge is added
  • Update: An order charge is updated