The Seats|Calendar page enables you to search for and view on calendar and on sale performances available to your current role by date.
To search for seats using the Seats|Calendar page, complete the following:
Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Select the Seats tab.
The Seats|Search page appears.
Select the Calendar tab.
The Seats|Calendar page appears.
All performances currently on calendar and on sale for the current month display. To view performances for a different month, you can:
Click '>>' to view the next month.
Click '<<' to view the previous month.
Select a specific month or year from the dropdowns above the calendar, then click 'Show'.
To search for specific performances, enter your search criteria in the search seats section. For more information, refer to Customer Services - Seats|Calendar Page.
Click 'Search'.
Your search results appear for the selected month. To view performances for a different month, you can:
Click '>>' to view the next month.
Click '<<' to view the previous month.
Select a specific month or year from the dropdowns above the calendar and then click 'Show'.