AudienceView Connect

Customer Services Seat-Search Page

The Customer Services application Seats|Search page allows you to search for and select seats for on-sale performances. When the 'Search' button is clicked, results that match the entered search criteria are displayed in the select performance section. When a performance is selected the Seats|Map page appears, allowing you to select seats. You can also select the check boxes next to the desired performance(s) and then click one of the buttons along the top of the select performance section to be taken to the associated page (e.g. clicking 'Quick Sale' will open the Seats|Quick Sale page).

The following image illustrates the default Customer Services application Seat|Search page:

The default Customer Services application Seat|Search page enables you to search for on-sale/available performances using the following criteria:

Field Description
Start Date Enables you to filter the search based on the date or relative date on which the performance occurs. You can enter a single date or relative date in both fields or a range using both fields provided.
Enter a date or relative date into the field or click  or  to select the date or relative date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date and Using Relative Dates and Times.
Venue Name Enables you to filter the search based on the name of the venue associated to the performance.
Performance Code Enables you to filter the search based on the performance code. You can enter the words with which the performance code begins or use wildcards to search using portions of text.
For more information, refer to Using Wildcard Characters to Perform a Search.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Performance Description Enables you to filter the search based on the performance description. You can enter the words with which the performance description begins or use wildcards to search using portions of text.
For more information, refer to Using Wildcard Characters to Perform a Search.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Performance Keywords Enables you to filter the search based on key words describing the performance.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Series Enables you to filter the search based on the series to which the performance belongs. You can enter the words with which the series begins or use wildcards to search using portions of text.
For more information, refer to Using Wildcard Characters to Perform a Search.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Venue City Enables you to filter the search based on the city where the performances venue resides.
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Available Section Enter a specific section within the venue for which you are searching. You must enter the exact name used in the venue setup for the section for which you are searching. 
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
You cannot use wildcard searches for this field.
Available Row Start Enter a starting row located in the venue for which you are searching. 
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
You cannot use wildcard searches for this field.
Available Row End Enter an ending row located in the venue for which you are searching. 
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
You cannot use wildcard searches for this field.
Available Seat Start Enter a starting seat number located in the venue for which you are searching. This must be used along with an entry in the Available Section or an Available Row field(s). 
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
Available Seat End Enter an ending seat number located in the venue for which you are searching. This must be used along with an entry in the Available Section or an Available Row field(s). 
To add additional fields, click or press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry.
You cannot use wildcard searches for this field.
Page Size Enables you to specify the number of records to display per page returned in the results.
Search Type Enables you to choose the appropriate type of matches you are expecting:
  • Match Any: When you want to search for records containing one or more of the search terms you selected.
  • Match All: When you want to search for records that contain all the search terms you selected.
Promotional Access Code Enables you to enter a promotional code to gain access to performances not generally available. 
Click 'Go' to activate the promotional code. You can enter multiple promotional codes. The currently active promotional codes appear in the upper left of the page below the tabs.
Click 'Clear' to deactivate the promotional codes.
If a customer account that has promotional benefits attached to it is open, the associated promotional codes will be active and will be listed at the top of the page.

Other searches can be created using the Business Intelligence and Reports application. For more information, refer to Business Intelligence and Reports Business Intelligence.

Search Results

The following image illustrates the select performances section of the Customer Services application Seat|Search page:

The following table outlines the performance statuses:

Status Description
C On calendar
C* On calendar through a promotional code
S On sale
S* On sale through a promotional code
R Reloads (stored value items)
R* Reloads (stored value items) through a promotional code
SR On sale and reloads (stored value items)
SR* On sale and reloads through a promotional code (stored value items)
U Unavailable

A seat that is on sale (S) is also considered to be on calendar.

If a performance is on sale with a promotional code, and all of the pricing is also assigned a promotional code, the 'Available Seats' column will display -1 until the applicable promotional codes is entered.

Availability Legend

The Availability Legend shows the four-colour-coded categories used represent seat availability per performances (shown in the Available Seats column).

These colours and the threshold (e.g. the percentage of seats available per category) can be modified by your system administrator.

For example:

  • Excellent = 100%
  • Good = 50%
  • Limited = 25%
  • Sold Out = 0%

If no colour is displayed, the performance has not been accessed by any user recently and the application server that AudienceView runs on does not have any information cached about the availability. Once you select a performance, the server will access the seating information and display the relevant threshold information to all users. This information will be stored in the cache until the next server refresh.

Contact your system administrator for more information on your organization’s thresholds.


Beneath the Availability legend are several buttons that allow you to go directly to alternate pages and chose performances and seats if desired. The buttons that display are as follows:

Button Description
Availability Opens the Seats|Availability page and displays the seating availability for selected performances.
Map Select Opens the Seats|Map page for the selected performances. You can only use this page if the performances you are working with are from the same venue.
Quick Sale Opens the Seats|Quick Sale page.
For more information, refer to Using Quick Sales.
Best Available Opens the Seats|Best Available page.
For more information, refer to Selecting Seats Using Best Available.
Request Seats Opens the Requests tab on the Order|Seats page.
For more information, refer to Creating a Performance Seating Request.