AudienceView Connect

Selecting Seats Using Best Available

How AudienceView Searches for the Best Available Seats

The Seats|Best Available page is used when you need to find the best seats available in a given price zone for a performance or a group of performances. AudienceView searches for the best available seats according to the priority seating plan configured for the venue and event by your system administrator and returns those results to you. You can then choose to accept the seating results or make another search. For more information, refer to Customer Services Seat-Best Available Page.

The following defines best available search results based on the number of selected performances and combinations entered in the search:

# of Performances to # of Combinations Search Returns Example
performances = combinations Best seat combinations for each performance selected. Two performances and two combinations = best seats from both performance
performances < combinations The application ignores the number of combinations and returns the best seat combinations, one combination for each performance selected. Two performances and three combinations = best seats from both performances
performances > combinations Best seat combination across all performances, returning performances with the best seating equal to the number of combinations. Two performances and one combination = best seats within a single selected performance

Selecting Seats Using Best Available

You use the Seats|Best Available page when you need to find the best seats available in a given price zone for a performance or a group of performances. AudienceView searches for the best available seats according to the priority seating plan configured for the venue and event by your system administrator and returns those results to you. You can then choose to accept the seating results or create another search.

To search for best available seating:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Seats tab.
    The Seats|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the performance(s) you want to work with. For information, refer to Searching for a Performance in Customer Services.
    The results display in the select performance section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<< Previous' and 'Next >>' buttons to open the additional pages.
    The Available Seats column displays the number of seats currently available if the information is available. You can verify the seating availability by clicking the check box next to the performance and then clicking 'Availability'. For more information, refer to Creating a Performance Seating Request.
    You can remove performances later using the Seats|Best Available page.
  4. Select the check box to the left of the performance(s) that you want to work with.
    If the performances you want to work with are on multiple pages, you must modify your search to return the performances on the same page. For more information, refer to Searching for a Performance in Customer Services. Click 'Select All' to select all the customers on the current page.
  5. Click 'Best Available'.
    The Seats|Best Available page opens with the selected performances displayed in the selected performances section.
  6. Search for best available seats. For more information, refer to Customer Services Seat-Best Available Page.
  7. Click 'Add to Order'.
    To view the location of a seat on the venue map, click on the seat’s section, row or seat in the Order|Seats page.

    The application searches for seats that meet the defined search criteria. If seats in the requested combination are not available, AudienceView notifies you that your order could not be filled. Otherwise, the search results are displayed on the Order|Summary page in the admissions section. If all of the seats are not displayed on the Order|Summary page, use the Order|Seats page to display results.

  8. If you want different seats, repeat the process from Step 2. Once you have found the desired seats, you can remove the other seats using the Order|Seats page.
  9. To complete the order, refer to Creating an Order.

If the customer wants to wait for seats to become available for a particular performance, you can request seats from the Seats|Search page. For more information, refer to Creating a Performance Seating Request.