AudienceView Connect

Using Quick Sales

The Seats|Quick Sale is useful when you need to sell a maximum number of tickets in a minimal amount of time while collecting minimal customer information. For example, ticket window sellers can use the Seats|Quick Sale page to sell tickets on the night of a performance. This page will search for seats using a similar search to Best Available and then enable you to complete the order and collect payment using a single page.

If limits are set against a particular role, all roles will be required to add a customer to their orders so that the purchases can be tracked and then the limits can enforced when appropriate. If you want to use Quicks Sales for a particular on-sale the limits should be temporarily removed. For more information refer to Setting Series Limits, Setting Performance Limits, Setting Promotional Code Limits and Setting Price Type Limits.

When using the Quick Sale page, the order summary is displayed on the same page and contains the minimum details required to complete the order. These details include the delivery method, payment information and, if required, any marketing data fields. Only one payment can be added to the order from this page. If you want to specify additional information or add additional items to the order, you can open the Order|Summary page to display the full order details.

You can only purchase seats for a single performance using quick sales and you can only add a single payment to the order.

To perform a quick sale, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Seats tab.
    The Seats|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the performance that you want to work with. For information, refer to Searching for a Performance in Customer Services.
    The results display in the select performance section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<< Previous' and 'Next >>' buttons to open the additional pages.
    The Available Seats column displays the number of seats currently available if the information is available. You can verify the seating availability by clicking the check box next to the performance and clicking 'Availability'. For more information, refer to Creating a Performance Seating Request.
  4. Select the check box to the left of the performance that you want to work with.
  5. Click 'Quick Sale'.
    The Seats|Quick Sale page appears.
  6. Search for best available seats. For more information, refer to Customer Services Seat-Quick Sale Page.
    If more than four seats are added to the order, only four are displayed onscreen and a scroll bar is added to allow access to the rest.
  7. Click 'Get Seats'.
    The page updates with the summary of the order.
    To view the location of a seat displayed on the Seats|Quick Sale page, click on the admission. The Seats|Map page opens.
  8. If applicable, modify the admissions on the order:
    • To delete one or more of the admissions, select the 'del?' check box to the left of the admission(s) and click 'Update Details'.
    • To remove all the admissions from the order and/or start over with the same performance, click 'Cancel'.
    • If you need to change the price type of one or more of the seats, select the price type(s) as necessary from the 'Price Type' dropdown.
    • If you want to attach a customer to an admission, enter the customer number in the 'Customer Number' field or click to search for the customer.
  9. If you made any changes to the admissions, click 'Update Details'.
    The Amount Due and Payment Amount are adjusted accordingly.
  10. Select the desired delivery method from the 'Delivery Method' dropdown.
    Your role’s default delivery method, if one is configured, will automatically display in the 'Delivery Method' dropdown. If you change the method, the page refreshes reflecting the change and adds any applicable charges.
  11. If there are required marketing data fields displayed, complete the fields.
    Only those fields that are required are displayed.
    A quick sale order can only contain one payment. If more than one is required, create the order on the Order|Summary page.
  12. Complete the payment information.
    If you need to reset the payment information, click 'Cancel Payment'. For more information on creating payments, refer to Cancelling a Payment.
    If you need to add any other items to the order, open the Order|Summary page.
  13. Click 'Create'.
    If the payment is complete (and successfully authorized, when authorization is required), a pop-up window indicates that the order has been created.
  14. Click 'OK'.
    The Quick Sale page refreshes to a blank Quick Sale page for the same performance. The order number of the order created is displayed at the top of the window.

If you want to use Quick Sale for a different performance, go back to the Seats|Search page and select the new performance and click 'Quick Sale' again.