From the Seats|Search page, you can search for performances based on the specified search criteria. The performances displayed reflect those that both meet your search criteria and those to which your role has access.
To search for performances, complete the following:
- Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Select the Seats tab.
The Seats|Search page appears.
 | Hint To use a search other than the default, click 'Load New Search' and select the desired search. |
- Enter your search criteria. For more information, refer to Customer Services Seat-Search Page.
 | Information The number of total seat records returned is limited to a number set by your system administrator. If the seat you want is not returned in the results (but available), modify your search to narrow your search results. |
- Click 'Search'.
Your search results appear in the select performance section. If multiple pages of search results are displayed, you can use the '<< Previous' and 'Next >>' buttons to open the additional pages.
The Available Seats column displays the number of seats currently available, if the information is available. You can verify the seating availability, by clicking the check box next to the performance and clicking 'Availability'. For more information, refer to Creating a Performance Seating Request.
You can sort each column by clicking the sorting arrows (
). For more information, refer to Sorting Search Results.