AudienceView Connect

Exchanging a Bundle Seat in Fewer than All Bundle Performances

When exchanging individual performance admissions, you will have the choice of using the original renewal seat or assigning the new one. If you select the new one and click 'Apply', the old seat will no longer available as the renewal seat.

If you are exchanging a seat on a Draw Down bundle, the price chart must also be on-sale to the user role updating the order.

The following steps describe how to change individual seats for one or more of the performances in a bundle:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Order tab.
    The Order|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the order that you want to work with. For more information, refer Searching for an Order.
    The Order|Summary page appears.
  4. Select the Bundles tab.
    The Order|Bundles|Seats page appears.
  5. In the bundle performances section, select the performance that you want to exchange seats for.
    A section will open below the performance, displaying the purchased seats for the performance.
  6. Click on the row or seat number.
    The Bundles|Map page for that performance appears.
  7. Holding down the SHIFT key, click on the seat(s) that you want to exchange.
  8. Click on the seat(s) that you want to exchange the seat(s) for.
  9. Click 'Continue'.
    The Order|Summary page appears. A window indicates the level that the seat was removed from and the level that it was exchanged with.
  10. Click 'OK'.
    If the new seat(s) have a different price from the old ones, you may need to add an extra payment or refund to the order. For more information, refer to Handling Customer Payments.
  11. Click 'Apply'.
    A window prompts you to enter a reason for releasing the admission.
  12. Enter a reason for the exchange in the field provided.
  13. Click 'OK'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the order.
  14. Click 'OK'.