AudienceView Connect

Adding a Bundle to an Order

You can add a bundle directly to an order by selecting one on the Bundles|Search page as follows:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Bundles tab.
    The Bundles|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the bundle that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Customer Services Bundles-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Bundles|Details page appears.
  4. Select the desired performances from the bundle performances section.
  5. Optionally, click 'Upgrade Bundle(s)' to create bundle upgrade requests.
    For more information, refer to Creating Bundle Upgrade Requests.
  6. Specify the seats for the bundle by using one of the following methods:
  7. Click 'Continue'.
  8. If a miscellaneous item is included in the bundle, the Bundles|Miscellaneous Items page appears.
    1. Select the check box next to the miscellaneous item that you want to add to the order.
    2. Enter the quantity of each option that you want to add to the order.
    3. Click 'Continue'.
  9. If a gift is included in the bundle, the Bundles|Gifts page appears.
    1. Select the check box next to the gift that you want to add to the order.
    2. Select the appeal that you want to apply the gift to from the 'Appeal' dropdown.
    3. Select the fund that you want to apply the gift to from the 'Fund' dropdown.
    4. Enter the quantity of gifts that you want to add to the order. This value will be multiplied against the 'Amount' field.
    5. If the gift was added to the bundle with a Recommended 'Value Type', you can alter the monetary value in the 'Amount' field.
      If the gift was added to the bundle with a Fixed 'Value Type', the 'Amount' field is read-only.
    6. Click 'Continue'.
      The Order|Bundles|Gifts page appears.
    7. Complete the applicable fields.
      For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Bundles-Gifts Page.
  10. If a stored value item is included in the bundle, the stored value item will automatically be added to the order.
    You can add a 'Recipient Name' and 'Printed Message' on the Order|Bundles|Bundles page at any time prior to printing the order.
  11. Once all of the bundle components have been satisfied, if you have not already been directed to the Order|Summary page, select the Summary tab.
  12. Add a customer to the order.
    For more information, refer to Customers, Agents and Orders.
  13. Once a customer is associated to the order, any passes or memberships earned with the bundle appear.
    For more information on bundles and entitlements, refer to Bundles and Entitlements.
    • If there are no seats available for a performance, no admissions for that performance are added to the order.
    • Details of the bundle are available on the Order|Bundles|Bundles page. This page will also display any gift certificates included with the bundle. You can also use this page to modify price types.
    • If a Subscription bundle is included in the order, refer to Selecting a Subscription Bundle’s Renewal Seat.
  14. Complete the order.
    For more information, refer to Creating an Order.
After a bundle is added to an order, its details can be viewed on the Order|Bundles page. For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Bundles Pages.
Also, you can modify bundle instances and admissions by making changes to the actual seating, renewal seats, price types and by deleting a bundle admission or instance.
If you have sold a Draw Down bundle that now has performances associated to it, you must update the sold bundles to include the appropriate performances
For more information, refer to Creating an Update Order Renewal.