AudienceView Connect

Selecting Bundle Seats Using Map Select

From the Bundles|Map page you can select the seats by price type and venue (if applicable) to fulfill the bundle.

If a show is sold out to your current role, you are not allowed to select it.

To use the Bundles|Map page to select seats, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Bundles tab.
    The Bundles|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the bundle that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Customer Services Bundles-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Bundles|Details page appears.
  4. Select from the performance(s) from the bundle performances section.
  5. Optionally, click the 'Upgrade Bundle(s)' button to create bundle upgrade requests.
    For more information, refer to Creating Bundle Upgrade Requests.
  6. Once you have selected performances, click 'Continue by Selecting Specific Seats' in the bundle seats section.
    The Bundles|Map page appears, displaying the availability across all of the selected performances. For more information, refer to Customer Services Bundles-Map Page.
  7. Select the price type for the bundle admission(s) from the 'Bundle Price' dropdown.
    If you need to clear a selection, hold down SHIFT and click the seat.

    For admissions to be associated with the bundle, ensure that the 'Bundle Price' radio button is selected.

  8. Select the seats that you want in your bundle performances for the selected price type.
    For subscription/season ticket types of bundles, one bundle will be created for each seat that you select, using the performances that you selected on the Bundles|Details page.
  9. Choose an option:
    If you want to add Then
    more admissions to the bundle for a different price type, repeat the process from Step 7.
    non-bundle admissions for the same performances, 1. Select the radio button to the left of the 'Price Type' field.
    2. Select the appropriate price type from the dropdown list.
    3. Select the seat(s). The seats will be added to the order along with the bundle.
  10. Choose an option:
    If you want to Then
    complete the order/continue fulfilling the bundle, click the 'Continue' located at the top of the page.
    If there are other items in the bundle (i.e. miscellaneous items and gifts), you will be directed to the appropriate page (i.e. Bundles|Miscellaneous Items and Bundles|Gifts respectively).
    For more information, refer to Step 8 of Adding a Bundle to an Order.
    If there are no other items in the bundle, the Order|Summary page appears and you can complete the order.
    For more information, refer to Creating an Order.
    view the cost of the admissions and prevent other users from selling the seats, click the 'Update Changes' located at the top of the page.
    The admissions section of the right pane updates with the cost of the admissions.
After a bundle is added to an order, its details can be viewed on the Order|Bundles page. For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Bundles Pages.
Also, you can modify bundle instances and admissions by making changes to the actual seating, renewal seats, price types and by deleting a bundle admission or instance.