AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Adding Criteria to a BI Query

To add criteria to an existing BI query, complete the following:

  1. Open the Business Intelligence and Reports application from the AudienceView Desktop
  2. Select the Business Intelligence tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the business intelligence (BI) query that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Business Intelligence|Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.
  4. Select the Criteria tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Criteria page appears.
  5. From the pick criteria section, select the category that contains the criteria that you want to work with. Alternatively, you can search for criteria. For more information, refer to Searching for BI Criteria.
    Once you select a category, it expands to display all related criteria that you can use in your query. This is illustrated in the image above. Each category option (listed in the pick criteria section) contains related criteria from which you can choose when creating your query.
    The Formula filter option is only available if a formula has been configured on the Business Intelligence|Formulas page.
  6. Select the criteria that you want to work with. The set criteria section populates with fields as illustrated in the image above. Based on the criteria selected from the pick criteria list, you can then choose how you want to filter the resulting members further. Once you have selected a field name related to the chosen category, you then choose from the filter criteria types found in the set criteria section.
  7. Use the table below to complete the fields in the set criteria section.
    Field Description
    Type Enables you to select between:
    • Has a Value: Return all rows that contain data in the selected criteria field.
    • Is Blank: Return all rows that do not contain data in the selected criteria field (e.g. blank).
    • Match Condition: Return all rows that contain data in the selected criteria field that matches the value(s) specified in the 'Values' field.
      If you want to include empty values, select Match Condition (include blanks) instead.
    • Match Condition (include blanks): Return all rows that contain data in the selected criteria field that matches the value(s) specified in the 'Values' field as well as those that do not contain data (blank).
    • Match Condition (session): Return all rows that contain data in the selected criteria field that matches session variables selected in the list in the 'Values' field.

      Whenever a user logs on to AudienceView, session variables are set based on the user’s current role. Thus session filtering makes the query dynamic based on which user is running the query. For example, you could create a customer BI to filter for those customers created by the current user. For this example, refer to Example Session Filter – Filtering Customers By Create User.
      You can view a list of session variables by opening the Registry application and navigate to the Registry::EN::Session node.
    Function The functions available depend on the 'Type' selected and whether the criteria field is a GUID, string, date, or number.
    If the Type selected is Has a Value or Is Blank, the 'Function' dropdown is disabled.
    For definitions of functions by data type, refer to Functions by Data Type.
    Condition Enables you to apply one of the following conditions to the criteria, type and function selected:
    • Greater than: Greater than the value in the 'Values' field.
    • Greater than or equal to: Greater or equal to the value in the 'Values' field.
    • Less than: Less than the value in the 'Values' field.
    • Less than or equal to: Less than or equal to the value in the 'Values' field.
    • Does not Equal: Does not equal the value in the 'Values' field.
      The results will not include any empty values unless the 'Type' is set to Match Condition (include blanks).
    • Equals: Equals the value in the 'Values' field.
    • Between (including both values): In between the range of values in the 'Values' field, inclusive.
    • Not in Range: Not in the range of values in the 'Values' field.
    • Begins with: Begins with the value entered in 'Values' field.
    • Ends with: Ends with the value entered in 'Values' field.
    • Contains: Contains the value in the 'Values' field.

      If the 'Type' selected is Has a Value or Is Blank, the 'Condition' dropdown is disabled.
    Values The specific data that the type, function and condition are being applied to. For example, to find all customers with the last name “Smith”, the value would be Smith.
    For text fields, you can use wildcard characters. For more information, refer to Using Wildcard Characters to Perform a Search.
    To add additional entry fields, press CTRL+TAB once you have made an entry in a field. When using multiple fields against a single criterion, resulting record data is returned when it matches any of the values entered.
    If the 'Type' selected is Has a Value or Is Blank, the 'Values' field is disabled.
  8. Click 'Add Criteria'.
    The criteria appears in the current criteria section.
    This is useful if you are saving the BI query for others to use. Place criteria most frequently used closer to the top of the page or related criteria close to each other.
    This step is no longer necessary after AudienceView 6.8.8.
  9. To specify the position of the criteria when viewing the BI query, enter the numeric position in the 'Load Order' field in the current criteria section. Zero places the criteria closest to the top.
  10. For each criterion you want to include in a query, repeat the process from Step 5.
  11. To preview your changes, select the Preview tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Preview page appears.
  12. To extract to Microsoft Excel or PDF, refer to Running a BI Query.
  13. If you want to save your changes, expand the save lists and extracts section of the Business Intelligence|Results page and save your changes.
  14. For more information, refer to Saving a BI Query.

Functions by Data Type

Data Type Function Description
GUID Count Count instances of the selected criteria.
String Avg as Number Treat the data for these criteria as a number instead of a string and calculate the average.
  Cast as Number Treat the data for these criteria as a number instead of a string.
  First Word Match based on the first word of a string. The system considers the first word to be everything preceding the first space or dash. This function allows the user to match based on the first part of a postal code.
  Max Determine the maximum value of the selected criteria.
  Max as Number Treat the data for these criteria as a number instead of a string and determine the maximum.
  Min Determine the minimum value of the selected criteria.
  Min as Number Treat the data for these criteria as a number instead of a string and determine the minimum.
  Sum as Number Treat the data for these criteria as a number instead of a string and determine the sum.
  To Lowercase Ignore uppercase letters in selected criteria and match to lowercase text entered in the 'Values' field.
  To Uppercase Ignore lowercase letters in selected criteria and match to uppercase text entered in the 'Values' field.
Date Count Counts instances of the selected criteria.
  Date Match based on the date portion (e.g. not date and time) of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Day Match based on the day of the month of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Day of Week Match based on the day of the week of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Hour Match based on the hour of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Max Match based on the maximum date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Min Match based on the minimum date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Month Match based on the month of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Time Match based on the time of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
  Year Match based on the year of the date/time selected in the 'Values' field.
Number Average Match based on the average value of the selected criteria.
  Count Match based on the count of the selected criteria.
  Max Match based on the maximum value of the selected criteria.
  Min Match based on the minimum value of the selected criteria.
  Sum Match based on the sum of the selected criteria.