In this example, we will create a performance BI query to filter performances by the Liberty venue and enable users to run the query by date range.
Filter for Liberty Venue
Field |
Value |
Category/Criteria |
Venue/Venue |
Type |
Match Condition |
Operator Type |
And |
Function |
Blank |
Condition |
Equals |
Values |
Liberty |
Criteria – Enable Users to Specify Performance Start Date Range
Field |
Value |
Criteria |
Performance/Start Date |
Type |
Match Condition |
Function |
Blank |
Condition |
Between (including both values) |
Values |
Blank |
Criteria – Enable Users to Specify Performance End Date Range:
Field |
Value |
Criteria |
Performance/End Date |
Type |
Match Condition |
Function |
Blank |
Condition |
Between (including both values) |
Values |
Blank |
The following image illustrates what users would see when running this query from the Saved Bus. Intelligence tab:
Notice how users do not know that their results are going to be filtered by venue. Users cannot change the filtering.