AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Modifying a BI Formula

To modify a formula on an existing BI query, complete the following:

  1. Open the Business Intelligence and Reports application from the AudienceView Desktop
  2. Select the Business Intelligence tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Search page appears. 
  3. Search for and select the business intelligence (BI) query that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Business Intelligence-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.
  4. Select the Formulas tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Formulas page appears.
  5. Modify the applicable fields.
    For more information, refer to Business Intelligence and Reports Business Intelligence-Formulas Page.
    If a formula is in use (has been selected in the Result Members) and the 'Name' is modified, the change will automatically be reflected in all of the places where it is being used.
  6. When modifying the 'Formula' field, the formula:
    • can only contain numbers, result members and math symbols (i.e. +, -, *, /, (, ), <, >, <=, => and =).
    • must be structurally reasonable (e.g. opening and closing brackets).
    • may include = operator that allows direct assignment of an ouput value that may be alphanumeric.
  7. Click 'Add Member' to use a result member as part of the calculation (e.g. seat).
    The New Result Member window appears.
  8. Search for and select the result member that you want to insert into your formula.
    Result members that begin with an asterisk (*) are other formulas that have been created. Formulas can be used in other formulas.
    You cannot use a result member that returns a GUID. This applies to most ID result members.
  9. Complete the remainder of the formula, including mathematical symbols.
  10. To verify the formula's results, select the Results tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.
  11. Click 'Add One'
    The New Result Member window appears.
  12. Search for and select the formula that you just created.
    Formula names are prefaced with an asterisk (*).
  13. Click 'OK'.
  14. Select the Preview tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Preview page appears.
  15. The formula and the returned results appear. Ensure that the formula returns the appropriate results.
  16. Select the Results tab.
    The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.
  17. Click 'Apply'
    A window confirms that the application updated the Business Intelligence query.
  18. Click 'OK'.