You can schedule saved BI queries as a one-time execution, or schedule them to be run periodically on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
To schedule the run of a saved BI query, complete the following:
- Open the Business Intelligence and Reports application from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Select the Business Intelligence tab.
The Business Intelligence|Search page appears.
- Search for and select the business intelligence (BI) query that you want to work with. For more information, refer to the Business Intelligence|Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Business Intelligence|Results page appears.
- Expand the save lists and extracts section.
- Expand the schedule saved bi section.
- Select the way that you want the BI query to be sent:
Emailed |
- Enter the email address in the 'Address' field.
- Enter a subject in the 'Email Subject' field.
- Enter the body of the email in the 'Email Message' field.
- Select email from the 'Target' dropdown.
- Enter the name that you want the BI query to be saved as in the 'File Name' field.
You can also add the following to the file name:
- %d: The date will be added to the file name in the YYYYMMDD format.
- %t: The time will be added to the file in the HHMMSS format.
The email address from which the query results will be emailed is configured using the 'Email From Address' field against the role. It is found in the Application Security application on the Roles|Basic page. |
Saved to a server via HTTPS - available as of AudienceView 6.8.10, |
- Enter the IP address or full URL, including the port and folder path, for the server in the 'Address' field.
- Select HTTPS from the 'Target' dropdown.
- Enter the user name for the server that you will be using in the 'User Name' field.
- Enter the password for the server that you will be using in the 'Password' field.
After you save the BI, the field will display instead, allowing you to verify the URL. |
Printed |
- Select print from the 'Target' dropdown.
- Select a printer from the 'Printer' field. The available printers are configured by your system administrator.
Saved to an FTP site with secured delivery (SFTP) - available as of AudienceView 6.8.8, |
- Enter the full URL, including the folder path and port, for the FTP site/service in the 'Address' field (e.g.
- Select SFTP from the 'Target' dropdown.
- Enter the user name for the FTP account that you will be using (e.g. the user name for your server) in the 'User Name' field.
- Enter the password for the FTP account that you will be using (e.g. the password for your server) in the 'Password' field.
- Enter the name that you want the report to be saved as in the 'File Name' field.
You can also add the following to the file name:
- %d: The date will be added to the file name in the YYYYMMDD format.
- %t: The time will be added to the file in the HHMMSS format.
After you save the BI, the field will display instead, allowing you to verify the URL. |
- Select a scheduling option:
Immediately |
- Select the 'Execute Now' radio button.
Once, at a later date |
- Select the 'Execute Later' radio button.
The 'Scheduled Time' and 'Start Date' fields appear.
- Select the desired hour and minutes for the time you want the BI query to be executed using the 'Scheduled Time' hour and minute dropdowns.
- Enter the date that you want the message to be sent in the 'Start Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
Daily |
- Click the 'Daily' radio button.
The 'Scheduled Time', 'Start Date' and 'End Date' fields appear.
- Select the hour and minute that you want the BI query to be executed using the 'Scheduled Time' hour and minute dropdowns.
- Select date that you want the BI query to start executing using the 'Start Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
- Select the date you want the BI query to stop executing using the 'End Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
Weekly |
- Click the 'Weekly' radio button.
The 'Scheduled Time', 'Start Date', 'End Date' and 'Day of Week' fields appear
- Select the hour and minute that you want the BI query to be executed using the 'Scheduled Time' hour and minute dropdowns.
- Select date that you want the BI query to start executing using the 'Start Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
- Select the date you want the BI query to stop executing using the 'End Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
- Select the specific day of the week that you want to execute the BI query on from the 'Day of Week' field.
Monthly |
- Click the 'Monthly' radio button.
The 'Scheduled Time', 'Start Date', 'End Date' and 'Day of Month' fields appear.
- Select the hour and minute that you want the message to be sent using the 'Scheduled Time' hour and minute dropdowns.
- Enter the date that you want the BI query to be executed in the 'Start Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
- Enter the date that you want the BI query to stop being executed in the 'End Date' field or click
to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
- Select the specific day of the month that you want to execute the BI query on from the 'Day of Month' field:
To select more than one day of the month, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
To execute the BI query on the last day of the month, select Last. |
- Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application saved the business intelligence query..
- Click 'OK'.
The scheduling of BI queries uses the batch services configured for AudienceView. Depending upon how the batch services are configured may result in some queries running exactly when set up to run. For example, if the batch services were configured to check for new processes to run every five minutes on the five minutes (e.g. 10:00, 10:05, 10:10) and a BI query were scheduled for 10:07, the query would not be run until 10:10. |
Emailing Scheduled BI Results – Supressing Warning Messages
Warning and information messages that are genereated during the BI process can prevent the scheduled results from being emailed.
For example, when executing a BI query where more than one row will be displayed in the result output, AudienceView displays warning Message #4276: The members you have selected (listed below) can return more than one row. To have only one row returned you will have to select a primary member. Continue?.
Because the message prompts the user to either accept or decline the action and no response can/will be given, the scheduled query will not execute. You can prevent the pop-up by suppressing Message #4276 for the role that is used to run the scheduled BI. For more information on suppressing this and other messages, refer to Suppressing Warning Messages.