AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation



If customers have not yet logged into AudienceView Online, the login.asp page appears:

You can customize the field labels and buttons within the login.asp page, using the following Registry application Registry::EN nodes and keys:

Node Key Default Label
Application::Online::Login Account Not Needed You don't need to create an account to process your order! Just follow the step-by-step instructions to complete your order easily.
Application::Online::Login Create Account Text Creating an account will help you when making future bookings with us because your name and address will be stored for re-use.
Application::Online::Login Create New Create a new account
Application::Online::Login Existing Existing users
Application::Online::Login Existing User Log in with my account
Application::Application::Online::Login Login Message How would you like to continue with your order?
Application::Online::Login My Account My account
Application::Online::Login New User I don't have an account
Application::Online::Login Remember Info If you want us to remember your information for next time you can create an account as well.
Application::Online::Navigation Continue Continue
Application::Online::Navigation Forgot Password Forgot your password?
Clicking the link will take users to the forgotpassword.asp page.
Application::Online::Navigation go Login Login
Application::Online::Navigation Login Login
Application::Online::Navigation Start Start Now
Application password Password
Application username Username

The following .INC file labels also appear on this page: