AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Configuring Online Stored Value Item Visibility

To configure gift certificates/gift cards so that they are visible via AudienceView Online, complete the following:

  1. Ensure that Internet is selected as one of the 'Roles' that can sell/reload the stored value item that you want to sell Online on the Product Configuration application Stored Value Item|Calendar page.
    For more information, refer to Managing Stored Value Item Calendar Entries.
  2. Open the Application Security application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  3. Select the Group tab.
    The Group|Search page appears.
  4. Search for and select the WebSales group (or the Anonymouns WebSales group). For more information, refer to Application Security - Group|Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Group|Basic page appears.
  5. Select the Permissions tab.
    The Group|Permissions page appears.
  6. Select the TSstoredValueBO property.
  7. Select the load.
    If you do not hold CTRL while selecting load all of the options that are currently selected will be deselected.
  8. Select the TSstoredValueCO property.
  9. Select the load and search.
    If you do not hold CTRL while selecting load and search all of the options that are currently selected will be deselected.
  10. Select the Content tab.
    The Group|Content page appears.
  11. Select the Online property.
  12. Select giftCertificate.
    If you do not hold CTRL while selecting giftCertificate all of the options that are currently selected will be deselected.
  13. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the group.
  14. Click 'OK'.