Before registered AudienceView Online users can give gifts (make donations), you must enable their corresponding user group to view the Gifts page. By default, all registered AudienceView Online users are assigned to the WebSales group.
In addition, you must define default online tax receipt and thank you letter templates for the corresponding online user group.
To enable registered online users to make donations:
- If not already set, add the Internet to the list of roles that can view the corresponding fundraising program. You can do this using the Funds Management application Gifts|Calendar page User Role property.
For more information, refer to Funds Management Application.
- Enable registered users to give gifts to fundraising programs. To do this, select Gifts from the WebSales' Application Security application Group|Content page Online property.
For more information, refer to Displaying Fundraising Programs to Registered Users.
- Set the default tax receipt template. To do this, define a Gifts: Default Receipt Template rule, for the corresponding user group’s attribute Application Security application Group|Attributes page TSorderBO property.
For more information, refer to Setting the Default AudienceView Online Tax Receipt.
- Set the default thank you letter template. To do this, define a Gifts: Default Receipt Thank You Letter rule, for the corresponding user group’s attribute Application Security application Group|Attributes page TSorderBO property.
For more information, refer to Setting the Default AudienceView Online Thank You Letter.
- Optionally, enable suggested gifts. If configured, a pop-up will appear when the user clicks 'Continue' on the shoppingCart.asp page. The pop-up will display either a fixed suggested gift amount, or provide an editable field that is defaulted to a recommended amount.
For more information, refer to Enabling Suggested Gifts.