Issue |
Solution |
ID |
A general JavaScript template error is preventing users from extracting reports. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
The JavaScript error no longer occurs and reports can be extracted. |
AVD-3778 |
The Donation Sales by Date report is doubling pledges when a fund is changed on an existing gift. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
The Donation Sales by Date report no longer duplicates pledges when the fund is changed on an existing gift.
AVD-7073 |
Some numbers in the Performance Settlement report are being rounded, leaving off all decimal places. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
Numbers in the Performance Settlement report are now being displayed correctly. |
AVD-7145 |
When entering a date value on the Business Intelligence and Reports application Business Intelligence|Criteria page using , the date is appearing as ##-##-## ##:##:##. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
The subtype of the underlying BI criteria primitive is now taken into consideration when generating date/time values using , and the dates appear as expected. |
AVD-7269 |
BIs run with obselete date formats and produce a different count/result from when same date's format is updated. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
BI queries now use the supplied input dates. |
AVD- 7300 |
Performance 'Start Date' is not being accepted by Customer BI queries.
Instead Message 4030: Not all search fields are filled in correctly is being displayed. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
Performance 'Start Date' is now being accepted as expected when creating Customer BI queries.
Adding criteria and filters to BI queries is no longer a two-step process. When a field is selected, it iwll immediately be added to the current criteria/current filter section.
The 'Add Criteria' and 'Add Filter' buttons have been removed. |
AVD-7332 |
Relative date formats in BI criteria are being changed to incorrect absolute dates when the BI is reloaded. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
Added more input validation in the standard date input parser, which previously validated input only based on its length. Long enough relative date had the same number of characters as valid time stamps. |
AVD-7418 |
The performance 'Start Date' is not appearing in Performance Availabiity report's output when Performance or Price Zone are selected from the 'Report Output By' dropdown.
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
The performance 'Start Date' is now being displayed in all of the Performance Availabiity report's possible outputs.
AVD-7826 |
Performance 'Start Dates' are missing from the headers in the Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report. |
This has been corrected in AudienceView 6.8.8.
Performance 'Start Dates' are now appearing in the headers of the Ticket Sales by Price Type and Price Zone report. |
AVD-8448 |