AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

AudienceView 6.8.7 New Features and Enhancements

Online Enhancements

Feature Description ID
Implement social widgets.
This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
Facebook’s Like button, Twitter’s Tweet button and Google+’s +1 button can now be exposed on the following pages through the Content Management application:
  • seatSelect.asp
  • mapSelect.asp
  • miscItemDetails.asp
  • donationDetail.asp
  • bundleSelect.asp
  • giftCertificateDetails.asp
  • viewOrder.asp
For more information, refer to Enabling Site-Wide Social Widgets (AudienceView 6.8.7).
Add a link for more information to integration with wallet type payment methods such as PayPal and MasterPass This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
A new feature has been added to support integration with wallet-type payment methods such as PayPal and MasterPass. This change facilitates the configuration of links to additional information on the payment method.
To add a link to additional information, enter the appropriate link in theGeneral Configuration application Payment Methods|Basic page's 'Button Info Action' field (formerly 'Shopping Cart Button Info Action').
The link display text is configured via the Registry applicationRegistry::EN::Application::Online node's 'Learn More Link Text' field.
If an image has not been configured in the General Configuration application Payment Methods|Basic page's 'Button Info Image' field (formerly 'Shopping Cart Button Info Image') then the 'Learn More Link Text' will be displayed.
The 'Info Button Image' and the 'Info Action' link text will be displayed in both on shoppingCart.asp and the orderContact.asp pages.

Business Intelligence and Reports Enhancements

Feature Description ID
Implement the Order Reconciliation report. This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
The Order Reconciliation report displays all of the incomplete orders in the system.
The report can be used to help determine why the order was not completed (e.g. a software error, server issue or the order is deliberately/inadvertently aborted).
The client and server IP addresses supplied in the report allow for quick inspection as to whether a particular server or client is generating incomplete orders at a high frequency. This could indicate a technical issue with the server or the network, or that the client's machine is hindering the ability to successfully complete orders.

For more information, refer to Order Reconciliation Report.
Remove balanced orders from the Unallocated Payments report to create a summary of the report.
This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
A 'Show Detail?' dropdown has been added to the Unallocated Payment report. When selecting No, orders where the sum of the allocation and de-allocation are equal to zero are not included.
Remove payment method 'Type' constraint from Credit Card Transaction Summary report. This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
The Credit Card Transaction Summary report now includes non-credit card payments made through an external gateway (e.g. PayPal, Interact, MasterPass).
Optimize the Performance Order Allocation report. This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
The Performance Order Allocation report has been optimized to improve its performance..

Payment Enhancements

Feature Description ID
When using the SET function in Payment Gateway an error can occur if the value exceeds the length of the corresponding field in payment_so record. This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
Previously, if a value was passed from the payment gateway that exceeded the length of the field in the payment_so table, an error would be raised. The system will now truncate the value and store the truncated value in the table.

Access Control Enhancements

Feature Description ID
Add a 'Sold Count' column to the Scanned Tickets report and restrict the query to selected performances. This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
The number of ticket sold has been added to the output of the report ('Sold' column). Previously the report only displayed tickets printed and the scanning results.
The report has been optimized to perform in large venues. A performance must now be selected to use the report. This prevents the report from being run wide open, potentially causing the scanner to freeze.

Database Enhancements

Feature Description ID
Implement application network logging This has been implemented in AudienceView 6.8.7.
Network logging has been added to support the log stash.
The tsApp.setLogEndpoint("localhost:1234"); configuration setting has been added to the global.asa to AudienceView to send all log events to the specified address/port.