AudienceView Connect

Ticket Template Attributes

Dynamic Values are created to be used when adding elements to a ticket template. Dynamic Values allow you to join two or more system attribute components to create a single component (such as first and last customer name), apply conditions, and so on.

For more information, refer to Configuring Tickets.

Should you require further assistance with the use and understanding of Dynamic Values, contact AudienceView Support via the Support Portal at If you do not have a 'User Name' or 'Password' send an email to

Refer to the General Configuration application Lists|Entries page of the "short TSorderBO parameters" list for a full list of data that can be accessed.

Address Elements

The Address Element provides information about the customers address (e.g. city, street). 

Address Element Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Address ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Address::address_type Address Type The type of address (e.g. billing, shipping)
Address::city Address city The city associated with the customer's address
Address::country Address country The country associated with the customer's address
Address::CP_sort Address CP sort A payment field used in association with some payment processors
Address::end_date Address End Date The date that the address is first considered valid
Address::start_date Address Start Date The date by which the address is no longer valid
Address::state Address State/Province The province/state associated with the customer's address
Address::street Address Street The street associated with the customer's address
Address::zip Address Postal/Zip Code The postal/zip code associated with the customer's address


Admission Elements

The Admission Element provides information pertaining to a particular seat for a performance.

Admission Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Admission ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Admissions::add_charge1 Admissions Additional Charge The additional charges associated with an admission.
Admissions::add_charge2 Admissions Additional Tax The additional taxes associated with an admission.
Admissions::add_charge3 Admissions Additional Commission The additional commission associated with an admission.
Admissions::add_charge4 Admissions Additional User Tax1 The additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::add_charge5 Admissions Additional User Tax2 The additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::aisle Admissions Aisle The aisle where the seat is located.
Admissions::amount Admissions Amount The price including any charges configured as Included or Inside.
Admissions::charge_add_charge1 Admissions Charges Additional Charge The additional charges included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_add_charge2 Admissions Charges Additional Tax The additional tax included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_add_charge3 Admissions Charges Additional Commission The additional commission included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_add_charge4 Admissions Charges Additional User Tax1 The additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_add_charge5 Admissions Charges Additional User Tax 2 The additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_incl_charge1 Admissions Charges Included Charge The charges included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_incl_charge2 Admissions Charges Included Tax The taxes included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_incl_charge3 Admissions Charges Included Commission The comission included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_incl_charge4 Admissions Charges Included User Tax1 The taxes/charges that can be included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_incl_charge5 Admissions Charges Included User Tax2 The taxes/charges that can be included with an admission charge.
Admissions::charge_net Admissions Charges Net The net total of the admission.
Admissions::customer_id Admissions Customer number The customer number associated with an admission.
Admissions::data [1-3] Admission Data [1-3] There are 3 configurable Admission Data fields that can be associated with a specific admission, and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
Admissions::fill_value_id Admissions Fill Value The fill zone used to select the admission.
Admissions::grand_total Admissions Grand Total The grand total of the admissions.
Admissions::hold_value_id Admissions Hold Value The hold value associate with an admission.
Admissions::incl_charge1 Admissions Included Charge The charges included with an admission.
Admissions::incl_charge2 Admissions Included Tax The taxes included with an admission.
Admissions::incl_charge3 Admissions Included Commission The commission included with an admission.
Admissions::incl_charge4 Admissions Included User Tax1 The taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::incl_charge5 Admissions Included User Tax2 The taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::net Admissions Net The net price of all charges
Admissions::price_type_id Admissions Price Type The price type of the admission (e.g. Adult, Junior)
Admissions::price_value_id Admissions Price Value The price of the admission.
Admissions::print_count Admissions Print Count The number of times that an admission has been printed.
Admissions::row Admissions Row The row where the seat is located.
Admissions::seat Admissions Seat The seat number.
Admissions::section Admissions Section The section where the seat is located.
Admissions::section_description Admissions Section Description The description of the section where the seat is located.
Admissions::section_entrance Admissions Entrance The entrance associated with an admission.
Admissions::total Admissions Total The total price including all charges.
Admissions::total_add_charge Admissions Total Additional Service Charges The total additional service charges associated to an admission.
Admissions::total_add_charge1 Admissions Total Additional Charge The total additional charges associated to an admission.
Admissions::total_add_charge2 Admissions Total Additional Tax The total additional taxes associated to an admission.
Admissions::total_add_charge3 Admissions Total Additional Commission The total additional commission associated to an admission.
Admissions::total_add_charge4 Admissions Total Additional User Tax1 The total additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::total_add_charge5 Admissions Total Additional User Tax2 The total additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::total_incl_charge Admissions Total Included Service Charges The total service charges included with an admission.
Admissions::total_incl_charge1 Admissions Total Included Charge The total charges included with an admission.
Admissions::total_incl_charge2 Admissions Total Included Tax The total taxes included with an admission.
Admissions::total_incl_charge3 Admissions Total Included Commission The total commission included with an admission.
Admissions::total_incl_charge4 Admissions Total Included User Tax1 The total additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::total_incl_charge5 Admissions Total Included User Tax2 The total additional taxes/charges that can be included with an admission.
Admissions::total_net Admissions Total Net The net total for each individual admission.

Bundles Elements

The Bundles Element provides information pertaining to a particular bundle.

Bundles Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Bundle ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Bundles::orderbundle_customer_id Bundle Customer Number The customer associated with the bundle.
Bundles::orderbundle_print_count Bundle Print Count The number of times the bundle was printed.

Bundles Details Elements

The Bundle Details element provides detailed information pertaining to a specific bundles.

Bundles Details Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Bundle ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
BundleDetails::description Bundle Description The description of the bundle.
BundleDetails::name Bundle Name The name of the bundle.

Change Due Elements

The Change Due element provides information regarding the change that is due to a customer. 

Change Due Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Change Due ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
ChangeDue::amount_due Change Due The change that is due to the customer.

Charges Elements

The Charges element provide information pertaining to any additional charges associated with a particular admission. 

Charges Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Charges ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Charges::add_charge1 Service Charge Additional Charge The additional charge.
Charges::add_charge2 Service Charge Additional Tax The additional tax.
Charges::add_charge3 Service Charge Additional Commission The additional commission.
Charges::add_charge4 Service Charge Additional User Tax1 The additional tax/charge.
Charges::add_charge5 Service Charge Additional User Tax2 The additional tax/charge.
Charges::amount Service Charge Amount The amount of the charge.
Charges::description Service Charge Description The description of the charge.
Charges::incl_charge1 Service Charge Included Charge The included charge.
Charges::incl_charge2 Service Charge Included Tax The included tax.
Charges::incl_charge3 Service Charge Included Commission The included commission.
Charges::incl_charge4 Service Charge Included User Tax1 The included tax/charge.
Charges::incl_charge5 Service Charge Included User Tax2 The included tax/charge.
Charges::name Service Charge Name The name of the charge.
Charges::net Service Charge Net The net value of the charge.
Charges::print_count Service Charge Print Count The number of time the charge was printed.
Charges::record_number Service Charge Record Number The record number of the charge.
Charges::short_description Service Charge Short Description The short description of the charge.
Charges::total Service Charge Total The total charge amount.
Charges::type Service Charge Type The type of charge.

Contacts Elements

The Contacts element provides information pertaining to the main customer contact. 

Contacts Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Contacts ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Contact::company Contact Company The main contact's place of employment.
Contact::contact_greeting_name Contact Greeting Name The name that should be used when greeting the contact on the phone (e.g. Mr. Smith).
By default, this field is populated with the information entered in the 'Title', 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields.
Contact::contact_publish_name Contact Publish Name The name that should be used in public documents, like programs or donor walls (e.g. Anonymous, The Smith Family), and written correspondence with the contact (e.g. Mr. S. Smith).
By default, this field is populated with the information entered in the 'Title', 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields.
Contact::contact_salutation_name Contact Salutation Name The main contact's commonly used name.
Contact::contact_type Contact Type The type of contact (e.g. customer, group leader, billing contact, spouse).
Contact::email Contact Email The main contact's email address.
Contact::first_name Contact First Name The main contact's first name.
Contact::job_title Contact Job Title The main contact's job title.
Contact::last_name Contact Last Name The main contact's last name.
Contact::middle_initial Contact Middle Name The main contact's middle name.
Contact::suffix Contact Suffix The suffix associated with the main contact (e.g. Jr. Sr.).
Contact::title Contact Title The main contact's title (e.g. Mr., Mrs).

Count Elements

The Count element provides the number of tickets being printed during the current print job. 

Count Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Count ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Count::ticket_number Count number of tickets Indicates the number of tickets being printed during the current print job

Customer Attachment Elements

The Customer Attachment element provides information pertaining to any file/image that is attached to a customer's account. 

Customer Attachment Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Customer Attachment ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
CustomerAttachment::data Order Customer Image The image attached to a customer account.
CustomerAttachment::file_id Order Customer Image File ID The name of the image attached to a customer account.

Customer Marketing Elements

The Customer Marketing element provides configurable fields that can be used to collect information pertaining to a customer.

Customer Marketing Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Customer Marketing ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
CustomerMarketing::currency [1-10] Customer Marketing Currency [1-10] There are 10 configurable Customer Marketing Currency data fields that can be used to collect customer information for marketing purposes.
Entries are treated as monetary values.
CustomerMarketing::data [1-50] Customer Marketing Data [1-50] There are 50 configurable Customer Marketing Data fields that can be used to collect customer information for marketing purposes.
CustomerMarketing::date [1-10] Customer Marketing Date [1-10] There are 10 configurable Customer Marketing Date data fields that can be used to collect customer information for marketing purposes.
Entries are treated as date values.
CustomerMarketing::fixed [1-10] Customer Marketing Fixed [1-10] There are 10 configurable Customer Marketing fixed data fields that can be used to collect customer information for marketing purposes.
Entries are made using fixed lists.

Customer Passes Elements

The Customer Passes element provides information pertaining to any passes that a customer has.

Customer Passes Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Customer Passes ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
CustomerPasses::description Customer Pass Description The description of the customer's pass.
CustomerPasses::number Customer Pass Number The number associated to the customer's pass.
CustomerPasses::ticket_number Customer Pass Ticket Number The ticket number associated to the customer's pass.

Funds Elements

The Funds element provides information pertaining to a particular fund.

Funds Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Funds ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Funds::amount Funds Amount The monetary value in the fund.
Funds::fund_id Funds Fund Name The name of the fund that donations are allocated to.
Funds::ordergift_id Funds Gift Name The name of the donation where money is allocated.

Gift Certificates/Cards Elements

The Gift Certificate/Cards element provides information pertaining to a customer's gift certificate/card.

Gift Certificates/Cards Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Gift Certificates/Cards ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
GiftCertificates::amount Gift Certificates/Cards Amount The amount that the gift certificate/card was loaded with.
GiftCertificates::balance Gift Certificates/Cards Balance The balance remaining on the gift certificate/card.
GiftCertificates::expiry Gift Certificates/Cards Expiry Date The gift certificate/card redemption number.
GiftCertificates::gift_certificate_number Gift Certificates Certificate/Card Number The gift certificate/card number.
GiftCertificates::gift_certificate_redemption_number Gift Certificates/Card Redemption Number The gift certificate/card redemption number.
GiftCertificates::message Gift Certificates/Cards Printed Message The printed message that appears on the gift certificate/card.
GiftCertificates::print_count Gift Certificates/Cards Print Count The number of times the gift certificate has been printed.
GiftCertificates::recipient Gift Certificates/Cards Recipient Name The name of the person receiving the gift certificate/card.

Donations/Gifts Elements

The Donations/Gifts element provides information pertaining to a customer's donation.

Donations/Gifts Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Donations/Gifts ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Gifts::additional_information Gifts Additional Information Any additional information associated with gift certificate/card.
Gifts::appeal_id Gifts Appeal Name The name/type of the donation appeal (e.g. newsletter, direct mailing)
Gifts::data [1-10] Gifts Data [1-10] There are 10 configurable Gifts Data fields that can be associated with a specific donation/gift and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
Gifts::mail_code Gifts Mail Code  
Gifts::order_id Gifts Order Name The name of the order associated with donation/gift.
Gifts::ordergift_id Gifts Gift Name The name of the donation/gift.
Gifts::ordergift_number Gifts Gift Number The number associated with the donation/gift.
Gifts::pledge_amount Gifts Pledge Amount The monetary amount that was pledged.
Gifts::pledge_date Gifts Pledge Date The date that the pledge was made.
Gifts::pledge_paid_amount Gifts Pledge Paid Amount The monetary donation amount that has been paid.
Gifts::points Gifts Points The amount of points that have been accrued through donations.
Gifts::receipt_amount Gifts Receipt Amount The amount of the donation's receipt.
Gifts::receipt_template Gifts Receipt Template The donation receipt template
Gifts::receipt_thank_you_letter Gifts Receipt Thank You Letter The donation receipt/thank you letter template.
Gifts::receipted_amount Gifts Receipted Amount The amount of donations that have been receipted.
Gifts::ref_thank_you_letter Gifts Ref Thank You Letter The referrer thank you letter.
Gifts::ref_thank_you_letter_date Gifts Ref Thank You Letter Date The date the referrer thank you letter was sent/created.
Gifts::ref_thank_you_letter_print_count Gifts Ref Thank You Letter Print Count The number of referrer thank you letters that have been printed.
Gifts::renewal_amount Gifts Renewal Amount The amount that the donation was renewed.
Gifts::renewal_date Gifts Renewal Date The date that the donation was renewed.
Gifts::solicitor Gifts Solicitor The name of the donation solicitor.
Gifts::thank_you_letter Gifts Thank You Letter The donation thank you letter.
Gifts::thank_you_letter_date Gifts Thank You Letter Date The date the donation thank you letter was written.
Gifts::thank_you_letter_print_count Gifts Thank You Letter Print Count The number of times the donation thank you letter was printed.
Gifts::type Gifts Type The type of donation.

Marketing Elements

The Marketing element provides configurable fields that can be used to collect marketing information.

Marketing Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Marketing ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Marketing::currency [1-10] Marketing Currency [1-10] There are 10 configurable Marketing Currency data fields that can be used to collect information for marketing purposes.
Entries are treated as monetary values.
Marketing::data [1-50] Marketing Data [1-50] There are 50 configurable Marketing Data fields that can be used to collect information for marketing purposes.
Marketing::date [1-10] Marketing Date  [1-10] There are 10 configurable Marketing Date data fields that can be used to collect information for marketing purposes.
Entries are treated as dates values.
Marketing::fixed [1-10] Marketing Fixed [1-10] There are 10 configurable Marketing Fixed data fields that can be used to collect information for marketing purposes.
Entries are made using fixed lists.

Order Elements

The Order element provides information pertaining to a particular order.

Order Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Order ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Order::add_charge1 Order Additional Charge The additional charge associated with the order.
Order::add_charge2 Order Additional Tax The additional tax  associated with the order.
Order::add_charge3 Order Additional Commission The additional commission associated with the order.
Order::add_charge4 Order Additional User Tax1 The additional tax/charge associated with the order.
Order::add_charge5 Order Additional User Tax2 The additional tax/charge associated with the order.
Order::admission_add_charge1 Order Admission Additional Charge The additional charge associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_add_charge2 Order Admission Additional Tax The additional tax associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_add_charge3 Order Admission Additional Commission The additional commission associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_add_charge4 Order Admission Additional User Tax1 The additional tax/charge associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_add_charge5 Order Admission Additional User Tax2 The additional tax/charge associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_incl_charge1 Order Admission Included Charge The included charge associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_incl_charge2 Order Admission Included Tax The included tax associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_incl_charge3 Order Admission Included Commission The included commission associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_incl_charge4 Order Admission Included User Tax1 The included tax/charge associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_incl_charge5 Order Admission Included User Tax2 The included tax/charge associated with the order admission.
Order::admission_net Order Admission Net The net total of admissions associated with an order.
Order::admission_total_amount Order Admission Total Amount The total amount of admissions associated with an order.
Order::bundle_add_charge1 Order Bundle Additional Charge The additional charge associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_add_charge2 Order Bundle Additional Tax The additional tax associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_add_charge3 Order Bundle Additional Commission The additional commission associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_add_charge4 Order Bundle Additional User Tax1 The additional tax/charge associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_add_charge5 Order Bundle Additional User Tax2 The additional tax/charge associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_charge_total Order Bundle Charges Total The total charges associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_incl_charge1 Order Bundle Included Charge The included charge associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_incl_charge2 Order Bundle Included Tax The included tax associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_incl_charge3 Order Bundle Included Commission The included commission associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_incl_charge4 Order Bundle Included User Tax1 The included tax/charge associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_incl_charge5 Order Bundle Included User Tax2 The included tax/charge associated with the order bundle.
Order::bundle_net Order Bundle Net The net amount of the bundles associated with the order.
Order::bundle_total_amount Order Bundle Total Amount The total amount of the bundles associated with the order.
Order::charge_add_charge1 Order Charges Additional Charge The additional charges associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_add_charge2 Order Charges Additional Tax The additional tax associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_add_charge3 Order Charges Additional Commission The additional commission associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_add_charge4 Order Charges Additional User Tax1 The additional tax/charge associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_add_charge5 Order Charges Additional User Tax2 The additional tax/charge associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_amount Order Charge Amount The amount of charges associated with the order.
Order::charge_incl_charge1 Order Charges Included Charge The included charges associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_incl_charge2 Order Charges Included Tax The included tax associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_incl_charge3 Order Charges Included Commission The included commission associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_incl_charge4 Order Charges Included User Tax1 The included tax/charge associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_incl_charge5 Order Charges Included User Tax2 The included tax/charge associated with the order charge.
Order::charge_net Order Charges Net The net total of the charges associated with the order.
Order::countAdm Count number of admissions The total number of admissions associated with the order.
Order::countBundle Count number of bundles The total number of bundles associated with the order.
Order::countGift Count number of gift certificates/cards The total number of gift certificates/cards associated with the order.
Order::countPay Count number of payments The total number of payments associated with the order.
Order::customer_id Order Customer Number The customer number associated with the order.
Order::deliverymethod_id Order Selected Delivery Method The delivery method selected for the order.
Order::due Order Amount Due The amount due on the order.
Order::grand_total Order Grand Total The grand total of the order.
Order::incl_charge1 Order Included Charge The included charge associated with the order.
Order::incl_charge2 Order Included Tax The included tax associated with the order.
Order::incl_charge3 Order Included Commission The included commission associated with the order.
Order::incl_charge4 Order Included User Tax1 The included tax/charge associated with the order.
Order::incl_charge5 Order Included User Tax2 The included tax/charge associated with the order.
Order::net Order Net The net amount of the order.
Order::order_number Order Number The order number.
Order::payment_total Order payment total The total amount of the order payment.
Order::producer_id Order producer ID The producer associated with the performances on an order.
Order::total_amount Order Total Amount The total amount of the order.
Order::total_charge Order Total Tax The total taxes added to an order.
Order::total_net Order Total Net The net total amount of an order.
Order::user_fname Order user first name The first name of the user who processed the order (this could be a box office attendant or an online customer).
Order::user_id Order user id The ID of the user who processed the order (this could be a box office attendant or an online customer).
Order::user_lname Order user last name The last name of the user who processed the order (this could be a box office attendant or an online customer).
Order::user_role_group Order user role group The role group of the user who processed the order (this could be a box office attendant or an online customer).
Order::user_role_id Order user role ID The role ID of the user who processed the order (this could be a box office attendant or an online customer).

Order Items Elements

The Order Items element provides information pertaining to any associated miscellaneous items.

Order Items Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Order Items ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
OrderItems::add_charge1 Order Items Additional Charge The additional charge associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::add_charge2 Order Items Additional Tax The additional tax associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::add_charge3 Order Items Additional Commission The additional commission associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::add_charge4 Order Items Additional User Tax1 The additional tax/charge associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::add_charge5 Order Items Additional User Tax2 The additional tax/charge associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::amount Order Items Amount The number of the miscellaneous items.
OrderItems::description Order Items Description The description of the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::incl_charge1 Order Items Included Charge The included charge associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::incl_charge2 Order Items Included Tax The included tax associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::incl_charge3 Order Items Included Commission The included commission associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::incl_charge4 Order Items Included User Tax1 The included tax/charge associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::incl_charge5 Order Items Included User Tax2 The included tax/charge associated with the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::name Order Items Name The name of the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::net Order Items Net The net value each individual miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::print_count Order Items Print Count The number of times the miscellaneous item was printed.
OrderItems::record_number Order Items Record Number The record number of the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::short_description Order Items Short Description The short description of the miscellaneous item.
OrderItems::total Order Items Total The total number of the miscellaneous items.
OrderItems::type Order Items Type The type of miscellaneous item.

Pass Elements

The Pass element provides information pertaining to a particular pass.

Pass Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Pass ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
PassDetails::data [1-8] Pass Data [1-8] There are 8 configurable Pass Data fields that can be associated with a specific pass and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
PassDetails::description Pass Description The description of the pass.
PassDetails::group Pass Group The group associated with the pass.
PassDetails::name Pass Name The name of the pass.
PassDetails::options Pass Options The options associated with the pass.
PassDetails::usage_count Pass Maximum Number of Performances The maximum number of performances for which a pass can be used.

Payments Elements

The Payments element provides information pertaining to a customer's 

Payments Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Payments ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Payments::account_number Payment account number The account number associate with a payment.
Payments::cardholder_name Payment cardholder name The name that appears on the credit card.
Payments::change_due_amount Change due amount The amount of change, if any
Payments::debit_account_type Payment debit account type The type of debit account used to make a payment (e.g. savings)
Payments::expiration_date Payment credit card expiration date The credit card's expiration date.
Payments::gift_certificate_number Payment gift certificate/card number The gift certificate/card number used to pay for a purchase.
Payments::issue_number Payment issue number The transaction number of a payment
Payments::merchant_description Receipt Merchant Description The description of the merchant to be displayed on the receipt.
Payments::payment_allocated_amount Payment allocated amount The amount of payment allocated on the order.
Payments::payment_allocated_amount_currency Payment allocated amount_currency The currency of the allocated payment.
Payments::payment_allocated_amount_delta Payment allocated amount_delta The difference between allocated payment amounts. 
If the amount changed from $5 to $15 then amount_delta would be $10
Payments::payment_payment_processed_amount Payment processed amount The value of the payment that was processed.
Payments::payment_payment_processed_amount_currency Payment processed amount_currency The currency of the processed payment.
Payments::payment_payment_processed_amount_delta Payment processed amount_delta The difference between processed payment amounts. 
If the amount changed from $5 to $15 then amount_delta would be $10
Payments::payment_transaction_type Payment Transaction Type The payment transaction type (e.g. account, cash, credit)
Payments::payment_type Payment payment type The payment type used (e.g. Visa, MasterCard).
Payments::paymentmethod_id Payment payment method The payment method used (e.g. cash, credit, debit).
Payments::paymentmethod_merchant_id Payment Method Merchant ID The ID associate with a payment merchant (e.g. Visa, MasterCard).
Payments::print_count Payment Print Count The number of times that a payment transaction was printed.
Payments::receipt_msg Payment receipt message The message that appears on the customer's receipt.
Payments::scheduled_date Payment scheduled date The date that a payment is scheduled to be made.
Payments::screen_msg Payment screen message The message that displays when the payment is made.
Payments::start_date Payment start date The date of the payment.
Payments::tendered_amount Tendered amount The amount paid.
Payments::termid Payment Term ID The ID associated with a payment term (e.g. monthly)
Payments::transaction_amount Payment amount The amount that was/is being paid.
Payments::transaction_status Payments transaction status The status of the payment (e.g. fully paid, partially paid)

Payment Transaction Elements

The Payment Transaction element provides information pertaining to a particular payment transaction.

Payment Transaction Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Payment Transaction ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

The meaning of some specific payment fields can change depending upon the payment processor being used. There are a few that do not change regardless of the payment gateway.


Syntax System Name Description
PaymentTransactions::account_number Payment Transactions Card Number The account number being used for the payment transaction.
PaymentTransactions::authorization_code Payment authorization code The payment authorization code returned by the payment authorizer.
PaymentTransactions::bank_terminal_id Payment Bank Terminal ID The ID for the processing terminal for the bank processing payment. This may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::batch_number Payment Batch Number The number of the payment processing batch if the payment is processed as part of a batch.
PaymentTransactions::card_swipe_value Payment Card Swipe Value Magnetic stripe data of payment card, if swiped in AudienceView.
PaymentTransactions::customer_language Payment Customer Language The customer's preferred language (e.g. English, French).
PaymentTransactions::data_block Payment Data Block This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::external_reference_number Payment External Reference Number This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::gift_certificate_id Payment Gift Certificate ID The gift certificate number used to make the payment.
PaymentTransactions::host_date Payment Host Date This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::host_time Payment Host Time This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::issue_number Payment Transaction issue number The issue number for the transaction that is used strictly in the UK.
PaymentTransactions::merchant_id Payment Merchant ID The ID associated with the payment merchant (e.g. Interac, PayPal).
PaymentTransactions::payment_function Payment Function The operation being performed that is set by the gateway (e.g. sale, return, voidsale, voidreturn).
PaymentTransactions::redemption_code Payment Redemption Code The redemption code of a gift certificate/card used for the payment transaction.
PaymentTransactions::reference_number Payment reference number The reference number associated with the payment.
PaymentTransactions::sequence_number Payment Sequence Number This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::swipe_indicator Payment Swipe Indicator This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::terminal_id Payment Terminal ID This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PaymentTransactions::transaction_date Payment Transaction Date The date the payment transaction took place.
The Payment Transaction Date will only print on tickets when the information is populated via the payment gateway/authorization process. It will not print a value if a local payment is used.
PaymentTransactions::transaction_status Payment Transaction Status The status of the payment transaction.

Performance Details Elements

The Performance Details element provides detailed information pertaining to a particular performance.

Performance Details Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Performance Details ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
PerformanceDetails::additional_info Performance Additional Info Any additional information associated with the performance.
PerformanceDetails::data [1-8] Performance Data [1-8] There are 8 configurable Performance Data fields that can be associated with a specific performance and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
PerformanceDetails::description Performance Description The description of the performance.
PerformanceDetails::end_date Performance End Date The date/time that the performance concludes.
PerformanceDetails::entry_date Performance Entry Date The date/time that the doors for the venue open.
PerformanceDetails::name Performance Code The name/performance code for a particular performance.
PerformanceDetails::perftype_description Performance Type Description The description of the performance type.
PerformanceDetails::perftype_name Performance Type Name The name of the performance type (e.g. musical, ballet).
PerformanceDetails::series_additional_info Performance Series Additional Info Any additional information associated with the performance series.
PerformanceDetails::series_data [1-8] Performance Series Data [1-8] There are 8 configurable Performance Series Data fields that can be associated with a specific series, and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
PerformanceDetails::series_description Performance Series Description The description of the performance series.
PerformanceDetails::series_end_date Performance Series End Date The last date of the performance series.
PerformanceDetails::series_group Performance Series Group The group of the performance series.
PerformanceDetails::series_name Performance Series Name The name of the performance series.
PerformanceDetails::short_description Performance Short Description The short description of the performance.
PerformanceDetails::start_date Performance Start Date The date/time the performance begins.
PerformanceDetails::venue_description Performance Venue Description The description of the venue where the performance is taking place.
PerformanceDetails::venue_group Performance Venue Group The name of the group of venues (e.g. Mirvish Theatres).
PerformanceDetails::venue_name Performance Venue Name The name of the venue where the performance is taking place.

Previous Payment Transactions Elements

The Previous Payment Transactions element provides detailed information pertaining to a customer's previous payment history.

Previous Payment Transactions Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Previous Payment Transactions ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
PreviousPaymentTransactions::account_number Payment Previous Transactions Card Number The number of the account/card used to pay for previous transactions.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::authorization_code Payment Previous authorization code The authorization code of the previous payment.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::bank_terminal_id Payment Previous Bank Terminal ID The ID for the processing terminal for the previous bank processing payment. This may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::batch_number Payment Previous Batch Number The batch number of the previous payment.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::card_swipe_value Payment Previous Card Swipe Value Magnetic stripe data of the previous payment card, if swiped in AudienceView.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::customer_language Payment Previous Customer Language The preferred language that the customer used for the previous payment transaction.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::data_block Payment Previous Data Block This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::external_reference_number Payment Previous External Reference Number This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::gift_certificate_id Payment Previous Transaction Gift Certificate ID The number of the gift certificate used for the previous payment transaction.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::host_date Payment Previous Host Date This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::host_time Payment Previous Host Time This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::issue_number Payment Previous Transaction issue number The issue number for the previous transaction that is used strictly in the UK
PreviousPaymentTransactions::merchant_id Payment Previous Merchant ID The ID associated with the payment merchant used for the previous tansaction (e.g. Interac, PayPal).
PreviousPaymentTransactions::payment_function Payment Previous Function The operation being performed that is set by the gateway (e.g. sale, return, voidsale, voidreturn)
PreviousPaymentTransactions::redemption_code Payment Previous Transaction Redemption Code The redemption code for the previous payment transaction.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::reference_number Payment Previous reference number The reference number for the previous payment transaction.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::sequence_number Payment Previous Sequence Number This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::swipe_indicator Payment Previous Swipe Indicator This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::terminal_id Payment Previous Terminal ID This field may vary from payment processor to payment processor.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::transaction_date Payment Previous Transaction Date The date a previous payment transaction tooke place.
PreviousPaymentTransactions::transaction_status Payment Previous Transaction Status The status of a customer's previous payment transaction.

Price Type Elements

The Price Type element provides information pertaining to a particular price type.

Price Type Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Price Type ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
PriceTypes::data [1-3] Price Types Data [1-3] There are 3 configurable 'Price Types Data' fields that can be associated with a specific price type and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
PriceTypes::description Price Types Description The description of the price type.
PriceTypes::price_group Price Types Price Group The description of the price group.

Section Details Elements

The Section Details element provides information pertaining to a particular section of a venue.

Section Details Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Section Details ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
SectionDetails::data [1-3] Section Details Data [1-3] There are 3 configurable 'Section Details Data' fields that can be associated with a specific price type and used to collect information for marketing purposes.
SectionDetails::description Section Details Description The description of a particular section in a venue.
SectionDetails::entrance Section Details Entrance The entrance that should be used to reach a certain particular section of the venue.
SectionDetails::level Section Details Level The level of a particular section in a venue (e.g. 100, 200).
SectionDetails::message Section Details Message A message that can be associated with the section (e.g. obstructed view).
SectionDetails::name Section Details Name The name of a particular section in a venue (e.g. main, balcony).
SectionDetails::stand Section Details Stand The standing room section of a venue.
SectionDetails::url Section Details URL The URL associated to a venue map.

Tickets Elements

The Tickets element provides information pertaining to a ticket that allows entry to a performance.

Tickets Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Tickets ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Syntax System Name Description
Tickets::date_printed Tickets date printed The date the ticket was printed.
Tickets::ticket_barcode Tickets ticket_barcode The barcode that appears on the ticket.
Tickets::ticket_number Tickets ticket_number The ticket number.
Tickets::user_fname Tickets User First Name The first name of the User associated with the sale of the ticket.
Tickets::user_id Tickets User ID The User ID associated with the sale of the ticket.
Tickets::user_lname Tickets User Last Name The last name of the User associated with the sale of the ticket.
Tickets::user_role_group Tickets User Role Group The User Role Group associated with the sale of the ticket.
Tickets::user_role_id Tickets User Role ID The User Role ID associated with the sale of the ticket.

Totals Elements

The Totals element provides totals for all of the other ticket template elements (e.g. the total number of additional charges associate with admissions).

Totals Elements Attributes

The following table provides a list of all of the Totals ticket elements that can be accessed using dynamic values and their proper syntax (generally node::node hierarchy where node is the node name and node hierarchy is the data element).

Admissions Totals    
Syntax System Name Description
Totals::Admissions::add_charge1 Totals: Admissions Additional Charge The total additional charges associated with the admission.
Totals::Admissions::add_charge2 Totals: Admissions Additional Tax The total additional taxes associated with the admission.
Totals::Admissions::add_charge3 Totals: Admissions Additional Commission The total additional commission associated with the admission.
Totals::Admissions::add_charge4 Totals: Admissions Additional User Tax1 The total additional taxes/charges associated with the admission.
Totals::Admissions::add_charge5 Totals: Admissions Additional User Tax2 The total additional taxes/charges associated with the admission.
Totals::Admissions::amount Totals: Admissions Amount The total amount of the admissions.
Totals::Admissions::charge_add_charge1 Totals: Admissions Charges Additional Charge The total additional charges associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_add_charge2 Totals: Admissions Charges Additional Tax The total additional taxes associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_add_charge3 Totals: Admissions Charges Additional Commission The total additional commission associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_add_charge4 Totals: Admissions Charges Additional User Tax1 The total additional taxes/charges associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_add_charge5 Totals: Admissions Charges Additional User Tax2 The total additional taxes/charges associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_incl_charge1 Totals: Admissions Charges Included Charge The total included charges associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_incl_charge2 Totals: Admissions Charges Included Tax The total included taxes associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_incl_charge3 Totals: Admissions Charges Included Commission The total included commission associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_incl_charge4 Totals: Admissions Charges Included User Tax1 The total included taxes/charges associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_incl_charge5 Totals: Admissions Charges Included User Tax2 The total included taxes/charges associated with the admission charges.
Totals::Admissions::charge_net Totals: Admissions Charges Net The total net amount of charges associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::grand_total Totals: Admissions Grand Total The total of all of the admissions grand totals.
Totals::Admissions::incl_charge1 Totals: Admissions Included Charge The total of the included charges associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::incl_charge2 Totals: Admissions Included Tax The total of the included taxes associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::incl_charge3 Totals: Admissions Included Commission The total of the included commissions associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::incl_charge4 Totals: Admissions Included User Tax1 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::incl_charge5 Totals: Admissions Included User Tax2 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::net Totals: Admissions Net The total of all of admissions net totals.
Totals::Admissions::total Totals: Admissions Total The total of all of the admissions totals.
Totals::Admissions::total_add_charge1 Totals: Admissions Total Additional Charge The total of the additional charges associated with admissions on a given order.
Totals::Admissions::total_add_charge2 Totals: Admissions Total Additional Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with admissions on a given order.
Totals::Admissions::total_add_charge3 Totals: Admissions Total Additional Commission The total of the additional commissions associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_add_charge4 Totals: Admissions Total Additional User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_add_charge5 Totals: Admissions Total Additional User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_incl_charge1 Totals: Admissions Total Included Charge The total of the additional charges associated with all admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_incl_charge2 Totals: Admissions Total Included Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with all admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_incl_charge3 Totals: Admissions Total Included Commission The total of the additional commissions associated with all admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_incl_charge4 Totals: Admissions Total Included User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with all admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_incl_charge5 Totals: Admissions Total Included User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with all admissions.
Totals::Admissions::total_net Totals: Admissions Total Net The net total of all admissions on a given order.
Bundles Totals    
Syntax System Name Description
Totals::Bundles::amount Totals: Bundles Amount The amount of bundles on a given order
Totals::Bundles::amount_delta Totals: Bundles Amount Delta The difference between bundle amounts. 
If the amount changed from $5 to $15 then amount_delta would be $10.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_add_charge1 Totals: Bundles Additional Charge The total of the additional charges associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_add_charge2 Totals: Bundles Additional Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_add_charge3 Totals: Bundles Additional Commission The total of the additional commission associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_add_charge4 Totals: Bundles Additional User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_add_charge5 Totals: Bundles Additional User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_incl_charge1 Totals: Bundles Included Charge The total of the included charges associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_incl_charge2 Totals: Bundles Included Tax The total of the included taxes associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_incl_charge3 Totals: Bundles Included Commission The total of the included commissions associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_incl_charge4 Totals: Bundles Included User Tax1 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_incl_charge5 Totals: Bundles Included User Tax2 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with an order bundle.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_net Totals: Bundles Net The net total of all bundle on a given order.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total Totals: Bundles Total The total of all bundles on a given order.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_add_charge1 Totals: Bundles Total Additional Charge The total of the additional charges associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_add_charge2 Totals: Bundles Total Additional Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_add_charge3 Totals: Bundles Total Additional Commission The total of the additional commissions associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_add_charge4 Totals: Bundles Total Additional User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_add_charge5 Totals: Bundles Total Additional User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_incl_charge1 Totals: Bundles Total Included Charge The total of the included charges associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_incl_charge2 Totals: Bundles Total Included Tax The total of the included taxes associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_incl_charge3 Totals: Bundles Total Included Commission The total of the included commissions associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_incl_charge4 Totals: Bundles Total Included User Tax1 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_incl_charge5 Totals: Bundles Total Included User Tax2 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with all order bundles.
Totals::Bundles::orderbundle_total_net Totals: Bundles Total Net The net total of the bundles on a given order.
Charges Totals    
Syntax System Name Description
Totals::Charges::add_charge1 Totals: Service Charge Additional Charge The total of the additional charges associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::add_charge2 Totals: Service Charge Additional Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::add_charge3 Totals: Service Charge Additional Commission The total of the additional commissions associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::add_charge4 Totals: Service Charge Additional User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::add_charge5 Totals: Service Charge Additional User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::base Totals: Bundles Service Charge Total The total of the charges associated bundles.
Totals::Charges::incl_charge1 Totals: Service Charge Included Charge The total of the included charges associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::incl_charge2 Totals: Service Charge Included Tax The total of the included taxes associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::incl_charge3 Totals: Service Charge Included Commission The total of the included commissions associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::incl_charge4 Totals: Service Charge Included User Tax1 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::incl_charge5 Totals: Service Charge Included User Tax2 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with a charge.
Totals::Charges::net Totals: Service Charge Net Total The net total of the charges on a given order.
Gift Certificate/Card Totals    
Totals::GiftCertificates::add_charge1 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Additional Charge The total of the additional charges associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::add_charge2 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Additional Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::add_charge3 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Additional Commission The total of the additional commissions associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::add_charge4 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Additional User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::add_charge5 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Additional User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::base Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Base Total The base total of all gift certificates/cards on a given order.
Totals::GiftCertificates::incl_charge1 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Included Charge The total of the included charges associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::incl_charge2 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Included Tax The total of the included taxes associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::incl_charge3 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Included Commission The total of the included commissions associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::incl_charge4 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Included User Tax1 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::incl_charge5 Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Included User Tax2 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with a gift certificate/card.
Totals::GiftCertificates::net Totals: Gift Certificate/Card Net Total The net total of all gift certificates/cards on a given order.
Payment Totals    
Syntax System Name Description
Totals::Payments::add_charge1 Totals: Payment Additional Charge The total of the additional charges associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::add_charge2 Totals: Payment Additional Tax The total of the additional taxes associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::add_charge3 Totals: Payment Additional Commission The total of the additional commissions associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::add_charge4 Totals: Payment Additional User Tax1 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::add_charge5 Totals: Payment Additional User Tax2 The total of the additional taxes/charges associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::base Totals: Payment Base Total The base total of all payments on a given order.
Totals::Payments::incl_charge1 Totals: Payment Included Charge The total of the included charges associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::incl_charge2 Totals: Payment Included Tax The total of the included taxes associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::incl_charge3 Totals: Payment Included Commission The total of the included commissions associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::incl_charge4 Totals: Payment Included User Tax1 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::incl_charge5 Totals: Payment Included User Tax2 The total of the included taxes/charges associated with a payment.
Totals::Payments::net Totals: Payment Net Total The net total of all of the payments on a given order.