AudienceView Connect

Copying a Device

Once you have created a device and elements for that device, you can copy an existing device to create a new one. All of the device’s elements are copied with the device.

 It is recommended that you make a separate device for each different type (i.e. DPI and FGL version) of FGL (rebranded Lemur) printer that is attached to your system.

To copy a device and its elements, complete the following:

  1. Open the General Configuration application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Tickets tab.
    The Tickets|Search page.
  3. Search for and select the template with the device that you want to copy. For more information, refer to the General Configuration Tickets-Search Page and Performing Searches.
    The Tickets|Basic page appears. The devices are displayed in the Devices section. The current device is highlighted for editing.
  4. Select the device that you want to copy.
  5. Click 'Copy Device'.
    A new device is added.
  6. Modify the applicable fields. For more information, refer to General Configuration Tickets-Basic Page.
    Two devices cannot have the same settings.
  7. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the template.
  8. Click 'OK'.