AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Searching for an Audit

Each action or event that occurred while a user was logged on is tracked by AudienceView and is accessible from the Audit tab. A description of the action or event, the time that it occurred, and the result (such as Success) are displayed.

  1. Open the Application Security application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Audit tab.
    The Audit|Search page appears
  3. In the search audit section, define your search criteria.
    For more information, refer to Performing Searches.
  4. Click 'Search'.
    The results will display in the select audit section.

You can view the details of an audited event by clicking the audit record in the select audit section. The Audit|Details page appears and presents the details surrounding the selected event or action.