AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

CO Subsystem Actions

Generic CO Subsystem Actions

Currently the TSbundleSaleCO is not in use.

Most Collection Objects (CO) have the following subsystem actions:

CO Subsystem Actions Description
count Count the number of records returned by a search.
extract Extract search results to a file (for example for mail merge).
insert Save search criteria.
insertCopy Save a copy of existing search criteria.
load View existing search criteria.
remove Delete existing search criteria.
search Perform a search.
summary Required by the following COs to generate PDF extracts of Business Intelligence queries:
  • TSadmissionCO
  • TScustomerCO
  • TSgiftCO
  • TSgiftCertificateCO
  • TSorderRequestCO
  • TSorderBundleCO
  • TSorderPaymentCO
  • TSorderServiceChargeCO
  • TSorderCO
  • TSnoteCO
  • TSperformanceCO – This is also required to run the Series Performance List report.
  • TSticketCO
update Save changes to existing search criteria.

Specific CO Subsystem Actions

The actions apply to the listed COs only. 

CO Subsystem Action Description
TSadmissionCO cancelTickets Cancel tickets from the Customer Services application Order|Seats|Seats page for an order which has been created and printed.
TScustomerCO bulkUpdate Perform a bulk update of customer marketing data fields using the Utilities application.
TScustomerCO customerOffer Create offers for all or selected customers using the Utilities application.
TSorderCO bulkUpdate Perform a bulk update of order marketing data fields using the Utilities application.
TSorderCO renewSubscriptions Renew subscriptions from the Utilities application Orders|Subscriptions page.
TSorderCO cancelTickets Cancel tickets from the Customer Services application Order|Seats|Seats page for an order which has been created and printed.
TSorderCO decrypt Decrypt encrypted card numbers when extracting the information from a BI query.
TSorderPaymentCO decrypt Decrypt encrypted card numbers when extracting the information from a BI query.
TSorderPaymentCO processPayments N/A
TSperformanceCO addAdmissions Add admissions to a performance from the Venue Configuration or Utilities applications.
TSperformanceCO loadSeatInfo Load additional admission information from the Venue Configuration application.
TSperformanceCO removeAdmissons Remove admissions from a performance from the Venue Configuration application.
TSperformanceCO updateStackedPerformances Add or remove admissions from multiple selected performances from the Venue Configuration application.
TSperformanceCO updateTemplates Update prize zone, fill zone or hold type templates from the Utilities application.