As memberships approach their expiry dates, the name of the memberships display in the Membership Level group box in a different colour. There is an expiry date duration configured in the Registry to which the expiry date for the membership is compared. The colour of the text is changed based on the proximity of the expiry date of the membership to the current date and determining whether the date is within the configured expiry date interval. Four different colours apply:
Green/Current/Future: The span of time between the membership's 'Valid To' date and the current date is greater than the duration set in 'expiring start interval' field in the Registry.
Memberships with future 'Valid From' dates also appear in green. This is to inform you that a membership has been applied to the customer account.
Orange/Expiring: The span of time between the membership's 'Valid To' date and the current date is less than or equal to the duration set in 'expiring start interval' field in the Registry.
Red/Expired: The current date has passed the expiry date of the membership
Black/Archived: The current date has passed the expiry date of the membership and the membership is archived.
Clicking on one of the memberships will open the Customer Services application Customer|Entitlements|Memberships page, allowing you to view the details of each membership.