AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Modifying Marketing Data for Bulk Updates

Unless modified, the marketing data fields available for batch updates using the Utilities application will not match the marketing data fields.

To modify the customer, contact or order marketing data fields available for bulk update, complete the following:

  1. Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Navigate to the following Registry::EN::Collection Objects node to set the applicable marketing data fields:
    1. Customer Marketing Data: The TScustomerCO::Update::data [1-50] node.
    2. Order Marketing Data: The TSorderCO::Update::data [1-50] node.
    3. Contact Marketing Data: The TScustomerCO::Update::Contact Data [1-5] node.
  3. Modify the 'Default Value' to match the marketing data field.
  4. Select Yes from the 'Readable' field.
  5. Select Yes from the 'Writeable' field.
  6. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
  7. Click 'OK'.