The system locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that you want to see in your user interface.
Locale identifiers consist of at least a language identifier and a region identifier (e.g. en_GB for English - Great Britain). If you want to operate under multiple locales, you must have multiple registries installed (even for English and French Canadian).
To define the the system locale, complete the following:
Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Navigate to the Registry::EN node
Enter one of the following, supported locale identifiers in the 'Locale' field:
en_US: English - United States
en_GB: English - Great Britain
nl_NL: Dutch - Netherlands
Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
Click 'OK'.
When a user types a value into an editable field, the input is validated against the locale. If the value is valid for the locale then the raw unformatted data is returned. If it is invalid, a validation error occurs.
When dates are entered, they should adhere to the expected ordering, separators and language of the locale. For example, entering June for part of the date when operating under the nl_NL locale will fail. Juni must be entered instead. If an inputted date is not recongized, the system will attempt to validate the input against the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format.
The formatting defined via the date and time format and the applicalbe date and time subtypes will be applied to the display of the applicable fields. When users click into the fields to edit them, raw unformatted versions of the dates/times are displayed. This is because it is easier to edit the shorter format than the longer, similar to Microsoft Excel.
The editable format for currency fields removes the currency symbol and any thousand separator.
The editable format for number fields removes the thousand separator.
The editable format for date/time fields uses a short date (numerical) and time that is specific to the locale defined in the Registry. The separators and ordering of the date components are determined by the locale. For example, en_GB would provide dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM while en_US would provide mm/dd/yy, hh:mm a.