AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Configuring the Uploading of Images and Files

To configure uploading of images:

  1. Open the global.asa page.
    Within the global.asa page, there is a Set Content Path function that enables you to set the physical location where uploaded files will be stored.
    For example, the function may appear in the global.asa page as:
    tsApp.setContentPath (“C:\\AV\AudienceView\UI\ArticleMedia”);
    In this example, the files or images will be uploaded to the AudienceView User Interface Article Media page.
  2. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, and find the ArticleMedia folder.
  3. On the right-hand side of the page, under the Actions section, click Edit Permissions.
    The ArticleMedia Properties pop-up appears.
  4. Select the Security tab.
  5. In the Group or user names: section, select the IUSR folder.
  6. In the Permissions for IUSR section, give Read and Write permissions to the folder by clicking in the 'Allow' column. A checkmark will appear beside the Read and Write permissions.
  7. Click 'OK'.
    The pop-up window closes.
  8. Double-click on the Directory Browsing icon.
  9. Click on Enable in the upper right-hand corner of the Directory Browsing page under the Actions section.
  10. Click on the UI folder.
  11. Double-click on the ASP icon under the IIS section.
    The ASP window appears.
  12. Expand the ‘Limit Properties’ menu by clicking on the '+' button.
    The default value in the 'Maximum Requesting Entity Body Limit' field is 200KB. If you want to upload larger images, you must increase the value in this field.
  13. Close the IIS.
  14. Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  15. Navigate to the System::Business Objects node.
  16. You can set the maximum file and image sizes within the ‘maxUploadFileSize’ and ‘maxUploadImagesSize’ fields.
    If you only enter a number in the field, it will automatically set the size to kilobytes.
    • If you enter an M directly after the number (without a space) the system will read it as megabytes.
    • If you enter a G directly after the number (without a space) the system will read it as gigabytes.
  17. In the read-only 'Allowable upload file extensions' field, Microsoft Office file types (i.e. .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, .XLSX, .PPT, .PPTX and .CSS) and Adobe PDF files (i.e. .PDF) are listed.
  18. In the read-only 'Allowable upload image extensions' field, .JPG, .PNG and .GIF files are listed.
    Any file/image type that does not appear within these fields will fail to be uploaded.
  19. Navigate to the System::Application node.
    In the 'Upload base URL' field is the URL that will map to the physical location that has been selected on your server (i.e. /UI/ArticleMedia/).