AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation


The following table outlines all of the TScustomerBO subsystem 'Actions' that are available on the Application Security application Users|Permissions and Groups|Permissions pages:

Actions Description Relevant Application Page
activateCustomer Activate a closed or suspended customer account. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
addCustomer Create a new customer. Customer Services application Customer (several pages)
addMembership Assign memberships to customers and edit or remove existing assigned memberships. Customer Services application Customer|Entitlements|Memberships
closeCustomer Close an active or suspended customer account. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
copyCustomer Save a copy of an existing customer. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
deleteCustomer Delete a customer. Customer Services application Customer (several pages)
loadCustomer Open an existing customer to view its details. Customer Services application Customer|Search
manageBenefits Assign benefits to customers and edit or remove existing assigned benefits. Customer Services application Customer|Entitlements|Benefits
managePasses Assign passes to customers and edit or remove existing assigned passes. Customer Services application Customer|Entitlements|Passes
mergeContacts Merge two contacts. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
mergeCustomer Merge two customer accounts. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
modifyAssociations Modify any associations related to a customer account. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
reissuePass Reissue customer pass. Customer Services application Customer|Entitlements|Passes
resetFailedLogonCount Use the Unlock User button to unlock a customer user’s account. Customer Services application Customer|Users
setPassword Create a password for a new customer user. Customer Services application Customer|Users
setPasswordNeverExpire Update a customer user account password with an 'Expriy Rule' of Does Not Expire. Customer Services application Customer|Users
showDupCustomerInfo View duplicate account details in the duplicate account warning message. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
createAccount.asp (Online)
suspendCustomer Suspend an active customer account. Customer Services application Customer|Basic
updateCustomer Save changes to an existing customer. Customer Services application Customer (several pages)
viewSummary N/A N/A