Once a customer has accepted an offer, you will convert the offer to an order.
To accept the offer in the Desktop application on behalf of the customer, complete the following:
Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Select the Offers tab.
The Offers|Search page appears.
Search for and select the desired offer. For more information, refer to the Customer Services - Offers|Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Offers|Summary page appears.
Click 'Add to Order'.
The Order|Summary page appears. The content of the offer is now converted into an order. All order pricing is available in the order at this point.
Manage the content of the order as necessary and pay off the order as per the request of the customer.
For more information, refer to Creating an Order and Handling Customer Payments.
If the offer has expired, you will receive a message stating "This Offer has expired and cannot be added to the order." At this point, the offer cannot be accepted by the customer. You are able to update the expiry date details to make the offer valid again or you can create a new offer for the customer. For more information, refer to Modifying the Details of an Offer and Creating an Offer. |