From time to time, offers may expire or require that their basic information be updated. You are able to update the basic information such as the end date of the offer to extend the customer's ability to accept the offer.
To update the details of an offer, complete the following:
Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Select the Offers tab.
The Offers|Search page appears.
Search for and select the desired offer. For more information, refer to the Customer Services - Offers|Search Page and Performing Searches.
The Offers|Summary page appears.
Edit the basic offer information displayed in the offer summary groupbox:
Status: The status of the offer. Most commonly, you will want to use the 'Open' status so that the customer will have the opportunity to respond to the offer.
Offer Name: The name that you want to give the offer
Offer Type: The type of offer; 'Standard' for a one-off offer, 'Renewal' for a renewal offer for a previous bundle, performance, miscellaneous item or donation
Offer Description: The description that you want to use for the offer
Promotion: The promotion code that you want to associate to the offer
Access Code: The access code you can provide to the offer so that the customer can access the offer online
Start Date: The first day that the offer will be available
End Date: The date the offer will expire
Balance Due Date: The date the balance of the contents of the offer must be paid by
To associate a new customer to the offer:
Click the hyperlinked customer number beside the 'Customer Number' field.
The Customer|Search page appears.
Search for or create the desired customer.
For more information, refer to Searching for a Customer or Creating a Customer Account.
Click 'Offers' and select Add to Offer.
You are returned to the Offers|Summary page with the customer associated to the offer.
Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the offer.
Click 'OK'.