You can create a new account for a customer or organization, if you have the appropriate permission.
To create a new account, complete the following:
Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
The Customer|Search page appears.
Click 'Create New'.
The Customer|Basic page appears.
Enter the account details into the applicable fields of the customer section.
For more information, refer to Customer Section.
If you selected Organization from the 'Account Type' field, enter the organization details into the applicable fields of the organization details section.
If you selected Agent from the 'Account Type' field, enter the agent details into the applicable fields of the agent organization details section.
For more information, refer to Agent Organization Details and Organization Details Sections.
Enter the contact details into the applicable fields of the contact details section. For more information, refer to Contact Details Section.
If this is an account for an organization, enter the contact information for someone within the organization who handles events and the purchasing of tickets. You can associate additional contacts to the account using the Customer|Advanced page. For more information, refer to Contacts.
Enter the address, phone and email details into the applicable fields of the address and phone & email sections. For more information, refer to Address, Phone and Email Sections.
This information will be used as the default contact information. You may be able to look up an address using the postal code or zip code if your organization uses an address verification system in conjunction with AudienceView.
Enter the default payment details into the applicable fields of the payment information section. For more information, refer to Payment Information Section.
This information will be used as a default payment when an order is created for the customer, but users can change this information.
If configured by your system administrator, enter any additional information required by your organization in the marketing data section.
The data fields enable you to add additional information specific to your organization. Any data entered into these fields is searchable through Business Intelligence.
Click 'Create'.
A window confirms that the application created the customer.
Click 'OK'.
Once the customer account is created, the application assigns the customer a unique 'Customer Number' and the 'State' is set to Active.
You can now add this customer to a new order by clicking 'New Order' or to the current order by clicking 'Add to Order'.