AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Modifying a Customer Affiliation

To modify an affiliation on a customer account, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
    The Customer|Search page appears.
  2. Search for and select the customer account that you want to work with. For more information, refer to Searching for a Customer or Contact.
    The Customer|Basic page appears.
  3. Select the Advanced tab.
    The Customer|Advanced page appears.
  4. Click the affiliation row that you want to modify.
    The selected affiliation row appears.
  5. Modify the applicable fields:
    1. Select the type of affiliation that the customer has with your organization from the 'Affiliation' dropdown.
      The values available are defined in the affiliations list. For more information, refer to Configuring Lists.
    2. Enter the date when the affiliation will begin/began in the 'Start Date' field or click  to select a date.
      For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
    3. Enter the date when the affiliation will end in the 'End Date' field or click  to select a date.
      For more information, refer to Using the Calendar to Select a Date.
    4. Optionally, enter a description in the 'Description' field. This will appear on the Customer|Basic pages.
    5. Optionally, enter any additional comments in the 'Comment 1' and 'Comment 2' fields.
  6. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the customer.
  7. Click 'OK'.

Customer affiliations can then be pulled via a BI query, using the affiliation criteria. For more information, refer to Business Intelligence and Reports Business Intelligence Pages.