AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

About Promotions

Promotions can be used throughout AudienceView to:

  • Provide a way to discount admission prices for a specific price type.
  • Grant access to performances or admission pricing to only those customers or agents who know the promotion access code or hold a benefit that carries the associated promotion.
  • Grant access to miscellaneous items to only those customers or agents who know the promotion access code or hold a benefit that carries the associated promotion.
  • Grant access to seating to only those customers or agents who know the promotion access code or hold a benefit that carries the associated promotion.
  • Enable delivery methods on an order that would not normally be available.
  • Enable payment methods on an order that would not normally be available.

When created, promotions can be:

  • Promotion (Promotions without 'Promotion Access Codes'): Promotions without promotion access codes are associated to customer accounts enabling the exposure of promotions automatically. For example, offering members-only performances or exclusive members-only pricing. Once the member is associated to an order, the promotion is automatically available.
  • Promotion Access Codes: Promotion access codes are manually entered on an order to expose the associated promotion. Promotion access codes can also be associated to customer accounts, enabling them to function similarly to promotions.

Once a promotion is associated with a customer account, the customer or agent has direct access to the associated promotion. Therefore, if customers or agents acquire a benefit (e.g. through a membership) that contains a promotion, they would be able to make the purchase without restrictions.

When a promotion is assigned to a hold type, the code along with a role's access to the hold type can grant access to seats assigned to the hold type. For example, if the role has access to the hold type, users logged on using the role can always access the hold type regardless of the promotion. If the role does not have access to the hold type, users must enter the promotion access code to access the hold type.

Speak to your system administrator for more information on how promotions are configured at your organization.

For more information, refer to Product Configuration - Promotions.