AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Customer Services - Customer|History Pages

Each tab of the Customer|History page contains corresponding information about specific parts of the customer’s history. This page contains the following tabs:

Tab Description
Orders Displays the history of the customer’s orders.
Payments Displays the history of the customer’s payments.
Correspondence Displays the history of correspondence with the customer. This page also enables you to create ad hoc correspondence.
Gifts Displays the history of the customer’s donations.
Bundles Displays the history of the bundles purchased by the customer.
Performances Displays the history of the performances purchased by the customer.
Requests Displays the history of the requests made by the customer.
Seats Displays the history of the seats purchased by the customer. This page also displays ticket information.
Gift Certificates-Cards Displays the history of the gift certificates and/or gift cards purcahsed by the customer. Payments made with gift certificates or gift cards are displayed on the Customer|History|Payments page.
Miscellaneous Items Displays the history of the miscellaneous items purchased by the customer.
Passes Displays the history of the passes associated to the customer’s account.
On most of the above tabs, the tows appear in three different shades:
  • White: Indicates that the customer was the billing customer on the order.
  • Light Grey: Indicates that the customer was the shipping customer on the order.
  • Dark Grey: Indicates that the customer was the agent on the order.