AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Configuring Membership Expiry Lead Time in the Registry

The colour of the text used for a membership displayed in the Customer Services application Customer|Basic page is determined by calculating the difference between the current date and the 'Valid To' date of the membership.

For example, if  the current date is January 27, 2011 and the membership's 'Valid To' date is April 17, 2011 the difference between the two dates is 80 days.

Once this difference is calculated, it is compared to a value stored in the Registry in the System::Business Object::TSCustomerBO node.

The 'Archiving Start Interval' and the 'Expiring Start Interval' fields control all four of the statuses/colours and are time duration fields (e.g. entering +90D in both fields would set 'Archiving Start Interval' and the 'Expiring Start Interval' dates to 90 days from the membership's creation date).

The 'expiring start interval' Field on the TSCustomerBO Business Object

How the difference between the current date and the membership expiry date compares to this duration stored in the 'expiring start interval' determines the colour of the text displayed. You are able to alter this duration to manage the colour change of the membership text to suit your needs.