To be able to schedule customer payments (Scheduling Payments), the payment scheduler must first be configured. The following two steps must be completed:
Creating the Payment Scheduler Batch File
To see the usage of the payment processor, and to see the input attributes without any input, complete the following:
Navigate to Start>All Programs>Accessories.
Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as an Administrator.
The Command Prompt window appears.
Enter a prompt with the following syntax: C:\AudienceView\Build\Libs\Paymentprocessor.exe.
To create the payment scheduler batch file complete the following:
Log on to the server where AudienceView is installed.
Open the AudienceView folder (C:\AudienceView).
Create a new folder called SchedPayments within the AudienceView folder.
Create a new text file using a text editor, such as Notepad, containing the following information:
1. First set the connection string to the database.
2. Run PaymentProcessor.exe with attributes
Requires setting environment variable TS_DB_CONNECTSTR:
TS_DB_CONNECTSTR=Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Password=123;Initial Catalog=Tix;Data Source=(local)
where User ID = database user id
Password = database password
Source = database server
Usage: PaymentProcessor <user name> <user password> -k <masterkeys> -r <user role> -p <payment methods> -s <start date> -e <end date> -m <email address> -f <filename>
set TS_DB_CONNECTSTR=FaKeEncrYPtedSTR1ngasjdfkl;hasdfhasdfasdfsa
C:\Audienceview\Build\audienceview_5_1_0\Libs\PaymentProcessor.exe schedpay P@ssword1 -r "Box Office" -k "" "" -m "" -s "2011/03/01"
To locate your connection string:
Navigate to the AudienceView folder (C:\AudienceView).
Open the folder named after your organization.
Open the Production Desktop folder.
Open the global.asa file.
Copy the information that follows tsapp.setConnectString.
Paste the tsapp.setConnectString information in the "connectstring" portion of the text file.
Save the file as a batch file (e.g. SchedPayments.bat) to the SchedPayments folder.
Creating a Scheduled Task for Payments
Once you create the batch file, you can create a scheduled task to run this batch file at regular intervals.
Before you Begin
Before scheduling payments, ensure you have:
The path and file name of the batch file you created earlier.
The Windows user name and password used to run the batch file. The scheduled task will run as if it were started by that user.
The schedule for the task. For example, do you want this task to run daily? What time of day should this task run?
To create a scheduled task, complete the following:
On the server on which AudienceView is installed, click Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>Task Scheduler
The Task Scheduler window appears.
Select Create Task from the Action menu.
On the General tab, give the task a name (e.g. ScheduledPayments).
Select the Trigger tab.
Click 'New'.
Set the schedule options.
It is recommend that you set any tasks to run during off hours. |
Select the Actions tab.
Click 'New'.
Click 'Browse'.
Navigate to the batch file that you have created for the scheduled payments. For more information, refer to Creating the Payment Scheduler Batch File.
Click 'OK'.
The file has been attached to the task.
For Hosted Clients:
Select the General tab.
Select the Run whether user is logged on or not radio button.
Click 'Change User or Group'.
Enter hosting\sched in the available field.
Click 'Check Names'.
Click 'OK'.
The Task Scheduler pop-up will appear.
Enter the password.
Click 'OK'.
If you receive the following error message, contact hosting via email at

For Enterprise Clients
Select the General tab.
Select the Run whether user is logged on or not radio button.
Click 'Change User or Group'.
In the available field, enter a user that has permission to run a scheduled task.
Click 'Check Names'.
Click 'OK'.
Click 'OK' to complete the scheduled task.