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AudienceView Documentation

Masking Fields

AudienceView enables you to mask fields. Masking enables you to selectively include or exclude account information in an order payment record and all payment receipts. For example, for security purposes you can mask credit card and debit card numbers to prevent users from viewing the account number once a payment has been made.

The following areas mask payment methods by default:

  • TScustomerBO::Payment::Card Number: Masks the customer’s default payment card number. The default mask is 0x -4o. For a description of this mask, refer to below.
  • TSpaymentMethodBO::Payment Types::Credit Card::Card Number: Masks credit card numbers in the order payment record and all payment receipts. The default mask is 0x -4o. For a description of this mask, refer to below.
  • TSpaymentMethodBO::Payment Types::Debit Card::Card Number: Masks debit card numbers in the order payment record and all payment receipts. The default mask is 0o -6x. For a description of this mask, refer to below.

Debit and credit card numbers are not masked by default in Business Intelligence. The following table lists applicable areas you must update to mask card numbers in Business Intelligence:

Object Description
Registry::EN::TScustomerCO::Fields::Card Number Masks the credit or debit card number of the customer’s default payment method if used on an order.
If the customer’s default payment information has not been used, Business Intelligence does not display any information.
Registry::EN::TSnoteCO::Fields::Payment Transaction Account Number Masks the credit or debit card number on an order note.
Registry::EN::TSorderCO::Fields::Payment Account Number Masks the credit or debit card number on an order.

To mask a payment method, complete the following:

  1. Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Browse to the node that you want to mask (listed in the chart above).
  3. Specify how you want to mask the payment method by entering the format in the 'Mask' field.
    To specify the masking, the letter x preceded by a number specifies the position of the digits to be masked and the letter o preceded by a number specifies the position of the digits that are displayed. The masking format reads from left to right, starting with the first digit in the credit card number. A negative number is treated as an offset from the end of the account number instead of the beginning of the number.
    For example:
    • Entering 0x -4o indicates that all numbers starting from the first number will be masked and the last four numbers will be displayed, so account number 4242424242424242 would be displayed as xxxxxxxxxxxx4242.
      This mask is typically used for credit card payments.
    • A mask of 0o -6x indicates that all numbers starting from the first number will be displayed and the last six numbers will be masked,  so account number 4242424242424242 would be displayed as 4242424242xxxxxx.
      This mask is typically used for debit card payments.
    • Entering 4x indicates that all numbers after the fourth number will be masked, so 4242424242424242 would be displayed as 4242xxxxxxxxxxxx.
  4. Select Yes from the 'Masked' dropdown.
  5. Click 'Apply'.
    A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
  6. Click 'OK'.