You can set criteria to identify when a duplicate customer account is being created.
- Open the Registry from the AudienceView Desktop.
- Navigate to the System::Businuess Objects::TScustomerBO node.
- Select the criteria that you want to use from the 'duplicate account criteria' field (e.g. last name, street address, email address).
To select more than one criteria, hold CTRL or SHIFT while making your selections.
- Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
- Click 'OK'.
If you try to create a customer account using similar information contained in an existing customer account, you will receive a warning message (5374) indicating the number of the possible duplicate account number(s) and the duplicated information.
| Information To receive the warning message, the account must meet all of the criteria set in the Registry. |
The new account can still be created, but the duplicate customer number will appear in the 'Duplicate Customer' field under Customer State section of the Customer Services application Customer|Basic page for the newly created account (not for the existing account).
| Hint The warning message can be suppressed for the online roles to avoid possible confusion for online customers. The system will still place the potential duplicate account number in the new account's Customer|Basic page, so a BI can be run to find duplicated online customer accounts. For more information, refer to The Suppressed Warnings Section. |