The number of archived memberships and/or the minimum number of live (e.g. not archived) memberships that will display on the Customer Services application Customer|Basic are controlled in the Registry in the System::Application::Customer node 'Membership Display Minimum' field.
Any archived memberships above that threshold set in the 'Membership Display Minimum' field will not be displayed.
| Information For example, if the 'Membership Display Minimum' field is set to 3, and the customer has 10 memberships and 4 are Archived, only 6 memberships will display (all of the Current, Expiring or Expired memberships). If the customer has 4 memberships and all 4 are archived, only 3 will display. |
| Hint It is strongly advise that a membership never be created without a 'Valid To Date'. This is the date that the membership is no longer visible on the Customer Services application Customer|Basic page. It is not possible to reversion a membership and add 'End Date' (the last date for “sale”) or 'Valid To Date' (the last date is will be valid against each customer/usually duration). |