This is the email address that shows up as the sender’s address when the following extracts are emailed:
If users will be emailing any of these extracts, you must configure the email from address.
To configure the email from address for proofing extracts, complete the following:
Open the Registry application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Navigate to the following node to set email address for the applicable proofing extract:
Price Chart Proof: The Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSpriceChartBO node.
Series Proof: The Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSseriesBO node.
Performance Proof: The Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSperformanceBO node.
Series Performance Proof: The Registry::EN::Collection Objects::TSperformanceCO node.
Bundle Proof: The Registry::EN::Business Objects::TSbundleBO node.
Enter the appropriate email address in the 'summaryFrom' field.
Click 'Apply'.
A window confirms that the application updated the Registry.
Click 'OK'.