AudienceView Connect
AudienceView Documentation

Order History

The Order|Order History page enables you to view the actions that were performed on an order. The history is grouped onto several pages, most of which are searchable. The following sections describe how to view an order’s history and the information displayed on each of the order history pages.

Rows appear on these pages in three different shades:
  • White: Indicates that the customer was the billing customer on the order.
  • Light Grey: Indicates that the customer was the shipping customer on the order.
  • Dark Grey: Indicates that the customer was the agent on the order.

Viewing an Order’s History

To view an order’s history, complete the following:

  1. Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
  2. Select the Order tab.
    The Order|Search page appears.
  3. Search for and select the order that you want to view. For more information, refer to Searching for an Order.
    The Order|Summary pages appears.
  4. Select the Order History tab
    The Order|Order History page appears.
  5. Select the Order tab within the Order|Order History page.
    The Order|Order History|Order page appears, displaying the activity for the order by date, user and list of actions.

Searching for Seat History

When you select the Order History|Seats page, the search seats section opens. The search fields enable you to search for order history information that is specific to the seats on the order.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Seats Page.

Searching for Ticket History

When you select the Order History|Tickets page, the search tickets section opens. You can then search for information based on the tickets you are looking for in the current order by the criteria entered. For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Tickets Page.

Searching for Gift History

When you select the Order History|Gifts page, the search gifts section opens initially which enables you to search for order history specific to an orders gifts. For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Gifts Page.

Searching for Gift Certificate or Gift Card History

When you select the Order History|Gift Certs/Cards page, the search gift certificates/cards section opens, which enables you to search for the history specific to the purchase of gift certificates/cards on an order.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Gift Certificates-Cards Page.

Searching for Charge History

When you select the Order History|Charges page, the search charges section opens, which enables you to search for the history specific to the order’s charges.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Charges Page.

Searching for Miscellaneous Item History

When you select the Order History|Miscellaneous Items page, the search miscellaneous items section opens, which enables you to search for the history specific to the order’s miscellaneous items.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Miscellaneous Items Page.

Searching for Payment History

When you select the Order History|Payments page, the search payments section opens, which enables you to search for an order’s payment history.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Payments Page.

Searching for Bundle History

When you select the Order History|Bundles page, the search bundles section opens, which enables you to search for order history specific to the bundle(s) associated with an order.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Bundles Page.

Searching for Correspondence History

When you select the Order History|Correspondence page, the search correspondence section opens, which enables you to search for order history specific to the correspondence associated with an order.
For more information, refer to Customer Services Order-Order History-Correspondence Page.