To make a payment using a direct debit (UK clients), complete the following:
Open the Customer Services application from the AudienceView Desktop.
Select the Order tab.
The Order|Search page appears.
Search for and select the order that you want to work with. For more information, refer to Searching for an Order.
The Order|Summary page appears.
Click 'Add Payment'.
The Payments dialog box appears.
Select Direct Debit from the 'Payment Method' dropdown.
The Payments dialog box refreshes to display the applicable information.
The 'Payment Amount' is the amount owing on the order.
Verify the 'Payment Amount' and make any necessary modifications.
Enter a short description of the transaction in the 'Mandate Description' field.
Optionally, if the payment method has a 'Storage Type' of Saveable you can select the 'Save Payment Details' check box to save the payment information to the payment information section on the Customer|Basic page of the customer's account.
Alternatively, if the payment information section on the Customer|Basic page has been filled out or if the customer has selected the 'Save Payment Details' check box Online, the information will automatically populate when 'Add Payment' is clicked.
Enter the customer’s bank account numberin the ‘Bank Account Number’ field
Enter the sort code associated with the customer's bank account in the ‘Sort Code’ field.
Enter the name associated with the bank account in the 'Bank Account Name' field.
Optionally, enter a short description of the transaction in the 'Description' field.
Select the frequency with which the payments will be withdrawn from the customer's bank account from the 'Payment Frequency' dropdown:
One Month: The payments will be withdrawn once a month until the 'Recurrence End Date' is reached.
Three Months: The payments will be withdrawn once every three month until the 'Recurrence End Date' is reached.
One Year: The payments will be withdrawn once a year until the 'Recurrence End Date' is reached.
Enter the BACS (Bankers' Automated Clearing Services) number associated with the customer's bank account in the ‘BACS Reference Number’ field.
Enter the day date that the payment is due/will be withdrawn from the customer's bank account in the 'Due Date' field or click to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
Enter the date that the direct debit payments will begin to be withdrawn from the customer's bank account in the 'Recurrence Start Date' field or click to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
Enter the date that the direct debit payments will stop being withdrawn from the customer's bank account in the 'Recurrence End Date' field or click to select a date.
For more information, refer to Using a Calendar to Add a Date.
Select the status of the customer's bank account from the 'Account Status' dropdown:
Active: The bank account has been validated and is active.
Declined: The bank account has been validated and has been declined (i.e. the account does not exist/some information is incorrect).
Pending: The bank account has not yet been validated.
Select the appropriate option from the ‘Are you the main Account Holder and do you have sole authority over this account?’ dropdown
Yes: The customer associated with the account is the only person who has access to the funds.
No: The bank account is a joint account that the customer shares with another person.
Click 'Add Payment'.
The Payments dialog box closes and the Order|Summary page becomes active. The unprocessed payment is added to the order.
Click 'Apply' or 'Create'.
A window confirms that the application updated the order.
Click 'OK'.